
Someone has spent a lot of money on NFTs.

Also, I think a lot of people are getting into crypto because they’re they’re looking for a get-rich quick scheme and are desperate - in many countries wages have been stagnant for decades, there aren’t paths to upward economic mobility, investments have low returns at the moment... they’re more willing to take the

You don’t just sell things once, though. The whole scheme relies on selling things on to someone else. It relies on there being a bigger sucker willing to pay more money for the thing you already spent (too much) money on, inflating the value of the holdings of those who got in first. This is why a lot of NFT owners

Because everything about crypto is negative.

As a digital artist myself I keep trying to explain this to NFT defenders but they don’t get it.

Jake Bussey as Guile..

To be fair, it’s a major pain in the ass sorting what little Epic Games has already. So, looking for content is just as hard as it is on Steam if you don’t know the title or publisher you’re interested in and are just browsing.

I’m still unsure about this one. It’s all time gated, which is I guess OK, but going to get boring fast if they don’t keep something new to do.

Russian(?) chorus doing the Avengers theme. Fun.

But what does this have to do with his new position? So when it comes to all this cancel culture shenanigans I have to ask that, what would you have these people do? Never work again? Die? It’s completely over-the-top.

Repulsive, twisted individuals failing upwards — it’s the American way.

They’re sold at a loss at the beginning. That’s why I think this Smart Delivery and Backwards Compatability push is actually kind of genius.

Many Fortnite players, and maybe even some of the people who birthed Fortnite players, were not alive for Apple’s famous masterstroke of corporate propaganda commercial.

I could give you more reasons than that not to buy an Iphone. Apple is a shit company, I’m not going to dispute that, but you can’t rail on Apple for skirting 18 billion euros in taxes they made on profits in Europe using tax payer funded infrastructure, and then rally behind Epic for skirting the 30% cut they owe on

They both suck. Neither of these huge faceless companies are anyone’s friends, no matter which silly product of their’s you happen to enjoy. Greed begets more greed. Epic fanboys will have to bend their brains into a pretzel to pretend that this video isn’t ridiculous.

All they need now is the Xbox 3 and they’ve successfully copied Elon Musk’s stupid naming convention.

Exactly. It’s kind of like how now our voice assistants (alexa, google, ect.) seem like they understand what we are saying, but in reality the voice clips are sent to a powerful server in the cloud, processed, and then the calculated answer is sent back.

Maddox was the antagonist from one of the most beloved episodes, bringing him back is about on par with making a movie about the guy from Space Seed.