
Given this happened over 4 years ago, how would Nintendo have feasibly replaced the lady’s Game Boy with a Switch, the Nintendo handheld about to celebrate it’s 3rd Birthday?

Androids work around the limitations of range. Holograms are still required to operate within the range of their emitters.

I thought it was less about the ability for someone to create a sentient AI and more about scale and feasibility. A hologram can take on any shape and form and access effectively a hyper-computer to run it - it’s application is just limited by location (without the help from some plot-convenient 29th century

TNG was getting viewing numbers as high as the final season of Game of Thrones every single season for 7 years!

Maybe that’s why I give it a lot more slack than other people.

I’m guessing it plans to emulate the 5th & 6th pad buttons for later Mega Drive games using the shoulder buttons. How awful*

Which, i’m sure, is almost entirely intentional..!

Under what measurable quantifier is this true? Are you simply assuming that ‘the 3%’ cancels out any gains through interest or other financial growth? Even if it did, pure maths says they’ve only given up 30% of their wealth at that stage....

The strange thing is, they established in T2 that the T800's cannot learn and develop without someone enabling write access on the CPU. Did that happen to Carl in Dark Fate?

“It’s a game where you craft buildings and do wars”

I knew* Stefan Heck BEFORE he broke Jeremy Renner’s iPhone App.

* - followed on Twitter for some reason

Because you know had they *not* issued the apology the asshat’s next ‘opinion’ video would almost certainly be a hit piece against CA. This is right out of the hopeless attention-seeking alt-right playbook.

Or maybe it’ll use the 4D technology of the time to send you back in time to watch it in 2D?

I was sure I read that was the original plan but I couldn’t find the quote from Kirkman to back it up... good to see I wasn't imagining it!

Just because the games themselves are 64-bit compatible, it doesn’t mean some of the libraries they use aren’t 32-bit x86 only.

I remember back when the Governor was the big-bad that Kirkman said that TWD was Rick’s story and it would end with him.

As if they’re going to actually honor this...

As if they’re going to actually honor this...

They’ll all be happy to shoot for the lower end of the spectrum - MRR is MRR, after all and that keeps the bean counters happy!

Well it leaves a nice gaping hole in the MCU for Iron Heart?