
Listening to that VO, I just expect it to end with ‘...I am Optimus Prime and this is the story of another animation series made popular by toys for grown ups!’

Cullen forever..!

Chrome opens fast because, like IE & Safari, it has a helper application that runs in the background on system boot, meaning clicking the icon just opens up a new process/tab.

Firstly, LEGO *is* from the Netherlands.

No, Apple changed their tune because of a) the negative PR they stand to lose from not capitulating after TS fired a shot across their bow and b) the money (and subs) they stand to lose by not having her latest on their service.

I expect an announcement shortly about how Apple have ‘negotiated’ streaming rights to 1989

Haha, you obviously have never been involved in software development!

Can I apply to the bid? I’ve got IBM 386 SX that should be up to the job!

I tried to refund Under the Ocean, but Steam wouldn’t even consider it because the purchase was about a year and a half ago.

You say that, but SSDs are already developing their own Moore’s Law. They’re already well below the magic £1/$1 per GB and by next year, 1/2 a TB will likely be standard.

I’m guessing he’s referring to a non-Dimensions games...

Don’t equate ‘style’ with high-gloss, loud garish colours & poor build-quality.

You do understand people who are sterile can still have sex, right? It’s not all magically closed up and inaccessible...

Can the DMCA really be used if people aren’t directly modifying game code.

I sorta want to see a less obscured version because it would show more blatantly how 'out of the scene' you still are. The bit where the guy reaches out loses its effect when you don't know what he's reaching for.

...but the issue I'm worried about is heat.

Microsoft don't care about rival hardware as long as they're using *some* of their software on it...

They likely considered it suboptimal because it didn't fit with their overall concept. Of course, they were already in trouble because they were essentially building custom engines for their 3/4 customers.

Indeed - all aero devices flex under load. It's the amount they flex that is measured. Red Bull's wings were moving more and when the FIA investigated them, found they were built with flexible rubber joints with a leaf spring mechanism (likely to ensure they returned to their normal position).

They're talking about bringing back Active Suspension (in a regulated form via the ECU) to compensate for the suspension 'problems' that will be delivered to the teams if the move to Low Profile tyres finally happens.

Renault would publicly rubbish it, because they know it's hard for them to copy it within the current permitted engine regs - the development potential is token based with weighted components, some of which are frozen. This is why Red Bull and Ferrari pushed for more upgrade tokens for 2015, threatening to force

The RB9 did not 'prevent' the driven wheels from spinning under power, nor was the torque compensated for.