
They're talking about bringing back Active Suspension (in a regulated form via the ECU) to compensate for the suspension 'problems' that will be delivered to the teams if the move to Low Profile tyres finally happens.

Renault would publicly rubbish it, because they know it's hard for them to copy it within the current permitted engine regs - the development potential is token based with weighted components, some of which are frozen. This is why Red Bull and Ferrari pushed for more upgrade tokens for 2015, threatening to force

The RB9 did not 'prevent' the driven wheels from spinning under power, nor was the torque compensated for.

Did you fail to read the article - they *have* 'done an Origin' - they have done for several years now.

We all know that the only Decepticon Meg's ever actually respected was Laserbeak, largely because it was the only minion to never really fail him or try to subvert his leadership.

This isn't 'ridiculous', it's f*cking Batman!

Also, given his history with Sharks, it can be taken as a homage.

Not content with forcing players to double-dip with the 3DS *and* Wii U versions, Nintendo are now forcing people to buy multiple copies of the game on the handhelds too!


Honestly, i'm not sure why it placed my reply here!

I read somewhere it's going to be significantly discounted, possibly based on whether you own both BoI and WotL or just BoI.

It is.

Interestingly, Terrance (the Fire Engine) seems to be based on the Rescue Bots character called 'Heatwave'.

For the record, I bought this Classic-inspired Legion figure for my 4-year old.

But they really don't. When I was growing up, Transformers were like puzzles to figure out. They were simultaneously brain exercises and manual dexterity development tools. When my nephew was five, the recommended age for these toys, he was playing with my Beast Wars toys. My sister fondly remembers him toddling up to

Fallout 2's bosses are *super* easy.

Sign #230492353 that this is still 24: Jack saying "I don't have time to explain."

The best bits were the Jenga bit (pure Deadpool trolling) and the Pedobear chase!

Note that this isn't an early release of the finished game; it's just the latest Early Access build put on a disc and sold. You'll still need to constantly update as development continues, making this one of the most useless (if not interesting) games available today.

Seems to be the way to do things in Korea...

No, that's here...