
It’s not even a lead in the typical sense- you can vote everyone (or no one) “person of the year” if you want to in that poll. Most people’s yes-to-no ratio is like 20/80 at best, and he’s the only person with nearly 60% yes... it does seem like a bot issue based on that inconsistency. They’re upvoting him, and

In case no one else in your life has made this point clear you: “it’s not okay to sexuality assault a minor on the grounds that they have been assaulted before.”

Sounds like you’d be disappointed in your friend if she didn’t react to assault by beating the guy up?

It was in poor taste to use it as the headline, but the’re mirroring (and- I think- making fun of?) Takei’s comments. He said in his letter that he “as shocked and bewildered at these claims as you must feel reading them.” 

And at the same time, it’s okay to feel like “I had a lot of respect and really enjoyed [insert celebrity] this and still think they deserve everything they have coming to them.

This seems like a stupid time and place to such a useless opinion, buddy.

what “hysterical call” are you referring to?

It grosses me out too, same with the Woody Allen news a few years ago. “He obviously looks like a weirdo” is not helpful.

Not aware of Mr. Galindo, I definitely misread that as “Rudy Giuliani.”

I want to see more of the bed series. Bed series: angry? Bed series: mortified? Bed series: perturbed?

“such as like.” *shudders*

Andy Burke, Chattanooga’s democratic mayor, has my vote if he runs. Though it would be bittersweet as I’m going to be moving to his city.

Commenting from the game! Seated Titans side I heard SO MANY people chatting through the anthem, and I’m sure an overlap of those people started booing the singer when she knelt...

We did a similar mock-trial type thing in my 11th grade government class- the topic was “Freedom of speech in schools” and my group was assigned to argue against schools having dress codes and conducts rules.

In this big wide world, it’s possible that you can dislike a person, and also that droves of others might come up with the same vague criticism that sparks a social commentary.

I don’t know about Ira Glass having it, but the late great Philip Seymour Hoffman definitely spoke with a vocal fry.

It’s none of my business but since you mentioned this, what was this timeline like? Assuming you’re starting the 16 months at the birth of baby 1, did you then have two kids each born a month early with no downtime between the three pregnancies, or what?

(poster headshots clearly taken right after they saw the screening)

Perhaps he did- it looks like a few edits were made on Taft’s Wikipedia page about 11 years ago to address that urban legend.

Those sleeves, though :-/