
This show is pretty huge in America, I don’t go out of my way to know about things but I’ve seen references for the Great British Baking Show all over the place. Also what exactly are you upset about, because this whole “I don’t know him” stance is confusing when he’s obviously a TV personality somewhere who made a

Your friend’s experience seems to be very different from those who have had say in Van Houten’s record of being a model prisoner and her decades of public remorse. Has your friend made any effort to bring that untrustworthy behavior to the public’s attention?

Even so, she didn’t commit a murder. She was an accessory and did a truly fucked-up thing by stabbing a dead woman, but we shouldn’t be comfortable putting that on par with taking a life.

She committed the truly awful crime of stabbing a woman who was already dead, but that doesn’t make her a murderer.

I think she was briefly on the outside (didn’t she attend the grammys or oscars or something?), so it seems like she has more friends in high places somewhere.

You don’t seem to know much about the case, because she’s been interviewed quite a bit about her involvement and it was determined that she stabbed Ms. LaBianca after she had died. She’s also been vocal about cult mindset and has a good prison record. Do you think maybe you’re confusing LVH with a different member of

LVH brings out a unique cast of Jezzies who are against rehabilitation and it’s really disappointing.

I’m sorry but Dylann Roof’s case is nothing like Leslie Van Houten’s, and it’s insultingly simplistic to compare the two.

I think people “feel bad” because she had limited involvement (stabbing one of the victims after she was dead) and has spent 40 years exhibiting good behavior and remorse.

I guess actually murdering them.

She participated in the murders by stabbing a woman who was already dead. It’s a ghastly thing to do, but are you comfortable calling that first degree murder?

She stabbed a dead woman, which is ghastly, but you’re maybe unaware of her role in the murders.

If it doesn’t change, it sure goes dormant for awhile given her spotless behavior record in prison.

I’m not especially intetested in Van Houten’s fate, but where are you getting the antisocial diagnosis from? From what I’ve researched she’s had a spotless record while in prison.

Okay but this is literally a popularity contest. If you ask the masses what the best rock song is, you’re going to get a lot of the same answers that rise to the top while the responses that one or two people echo- even if they’re more interesting- sink to the bottom. You shouldn’t be surprised.

Okay but this is literally a popularity contest. If you ask the masses what the best rock song is, you’re going to

You don’t need to praise her, but what on earth possessed you to feel that this was an appropriate time to bring up how much you think she sucks?

It’s unreasonable that OP felt this was an appropriate time to bitch about KS’s looks. It’s also stupid to claim that she’s “not a thing” when obviously a bunch of people know who she is, she’s currently getting good work, and here we all are reading an article about how she matters enough to have had her nudes

Signed. I used to work at a hotel that hosted a huge anime convention, and people younger than me (like, mid 20s) pretended to be confused about what “kids” are into.

As a former depressed, stay-in-my-room-all-summer teen of Waterloo, Iowa myself, this obviously hits close to home. What an inspiring story <3

She really does have a long neck: