
Both the face and the outfit are giving off strong Roxie Hart vibes from the movie version of Chicago.

What is your complaint, exactly? That Kim and Kanye aren’t boasting about how much they’re paying a surrogate under the table, which you seem to agree they should be doing?

Factory grill

Man, you should have my job for a day and look at academic records of nurses. It’s completely changed my perspective of the touted competency of the profession.

I feel like that’s even more common than being underweight and bulimic, honestly. As someone who has struggled with disordered eating for... wow, a decade, the purging doesn’t necessarily undo the “damage” done by binges.

I’m a volunteer on the crisis textline and we’ve been briefed on this, same for popular triggering phenomena like 13 Reasons Why. Socialized depression and self-harm is no joke.

Seriously. It’s inconvenient to get any certificate/license for anything, but we do it so we can drive a car/sell booze/get married/ etc.

idk I live in Nashville, which isn’t even that huge of a city, and it’s regularly 5 mph traffic downtown through intersections- especially if you’re in a turning lane in a long chain of cars.

I love that show because that host is clearly serving time in hell. Like if I was him I’d just be shitfaced the whole time during the “tell me how you scratched a ticket and it showed you won two million dollars” thing he has to go through every single episode.

Same. My dad did a DNA test that was gifted to him by my sister-in-law, who honestly is weirdly obsessed with where people’s features etc “come from” like we’re bred dogs or something. My DNA is closer to 1/8 “Native American” according to my dad’s representation of the test results, but what this confirms in the wake

Plenty of people have pet pigs.

She wasn’t saying that her friendships unique is what made it like an autoimmune disease, she was specific that the amount of planning and having to avoid particular situations is what made them similar. It’s maybe not the kindest analogy, but the justification is there.

What I don’t understand is how there are SO many people like you, who decide to go with the angle of “aren’t I ignorant of trends?” while patting themselves on the back for having refined taste. How is it that you truly don’t know that an artist is popular right now, but in the same breath, you claim that particular

Of all the affects in the world, why choose Dana Carvey’s “Church lady”?

I was trying to think of an instance when it would honestly make a difference. If the only thing that defines a particular suspect is their presented gender, it’s not going to matter what their ID says. I’m a cis-woman who presents as pretty feminine, if I changed my ID to read “M” or “X,” I can’t imagine that would

“There’s a reason why someone with (former) her star power had to do Shameless.”

You’re reading this here because a different journalist found it newsworthy enough to cover.

How do you think change happens without an increasing number of people believing in that same thing?

Yeah the headline took me a few tries, and I judge high school essays for a living.