
To add a really petty complaint, their site has straight gone downhill- you used to be able to search for a series of sizes (like s/4/6 instead of just one at a time) and they’ve gotten REALLY lazy about taking down items that are out of stock, which is pretty much everything I’ve clicked on recently. And the things

You’ve had like 20 years to sort this out.

It’s just so strange that certain compensatingly-conservative folks are so certain that books, images, etc can turn people gay, and if they can just keep those materials hidden, they won’t have gay thoughts anymore! The kids, I mean. This is all for the children.

That seemed to be what Lauren did!

Is that a dog?

The writer closes with the sentiment “To live in fear is to relinquish one’s freedom.” If you read the whole article, it’s interesting that you think it applauds hyper-vigilance.

Their comment is what happens when someone stops reading after the first paragraph.

I really don’t blame her for milking it. Aside from the physical pain aside, it was such a poorly-planned and weird thing to be the victim of that it deserved to be ridiculed as such.

38 Special? That’s the best I’ve got.

The leg thing is your self-imposed criteria. It’s not obligatory as a part of ballet and your insistence that it’s a defining element of ballet is confusing. You seem to have a cursory knowledge of ballet yet feel knowledgeable enough to make sweeping generalizations and comparisons between it and other forms of

I half expected the report to include an actual visit from Bon Iver.


No, it’s pretty disgusting how people ignore that she’s constantly questioned about her father and has steadfastly stated that he’s her biological dad. Her genetics are scrutinized in a way a bunch of us will never experience. She was raised by a black man that she doesn’t doubt is her father, and that’s pretty much

Like someone else said, training, but specifically the trained belief that any given group of “others” (gays/Jews/immigrants) are either 1) going to detract from your comfortable existence or 2) the reason you aren’t more successful. Somehow people are even tricked into believing both things simultaneously.

I don’t think she was assigning blame, but explaining how she thought pill use was normal. And the friend’s mother is notable because she was Judy Garland. I think she looks back and sees the gallow’s humor in the situation of “my mom did drugs, our neighbor Judy Garland did drugs, must be a mom thing!”

Daughters, sons, wife- he shouldn’t be around anyone, really.

I never mentioned “addressing from within”, just that those within a field ARE the ones addressing it, not onlookers as you seem to feel is frequently the case. I’m also not interested in your vitrol toward specific users, and you seem unfamiliar with the concept of macro changes. What is clear is that you feel you

But there’s a difference between “why are you a Cubs fan?” and “Do you even know how low they’re ranked this year?” etc (and obviously does not apply to the Cubs lately!) Ribbing is a different story when someone’s immediately questioning your knowledge of the sport based solely on your favorite team/driver/whatever.

I’m in a STEM career, so my industry is one that has been identified, correctly, as having a problem accepting, respecting and ultimately attracting women to work in it. If these kinds of problems aren’t addressed with specificity and by those from within (who have both put in the time and done the research), what do

It’s clear how little most people know about hormones, right? Estrogen is definitely not what you’d prescribe to someone who is already experiencing breast tenderness, mood swings, etc.