
People are making that comparison because the bull (its balls in particular) are a famous photo-op. What counter-critique are you trying to make about the type of people bringing it up?

“As for wearing red, what is the dress code, exactly? Are you supposed to wear your pink pussy hats, too?”

I think the poster you’re responding to is criticizing the bible, not supporting its admonishment of homosexuality.

That word is used once, in scare quotes, in the article. You’re not really disagreeing with the writer, kiddo.

I’m a (currently) slender person who’s really into beauty and is similarly turned off when a makeup product associates itself with body size. Even if it’s not pandering to me directly, it’s obnoxious.

I think it’s been that way for some time, and previously it was (frequently) wives of famous/wealthy men who achieved crowd-favorite model status.

Just played this clip while listening to a cello cover of Adele’s Someone Like You (just came onto the classical covers station I listen to at work). It was transformative.

I’ll be wearing red at my new job since it’s only my second week there. It’s a woman-owned company and most of upper management is female, though it’s not a company for anything specifically aimed at women.

And rape discussions aside, you simply can’t consent to being brutalized. Say what you (not you you) want about “asking for it,” someone could literally ask to be shot in the head and the person who does it would be a murderer just the same.

And rape discussions aside, you simply can’t consent to being brutalized. Say what you (not you you) want about “asking for it,” someone could literally ask to be shot in the head and the person who does it would be a murderer just the same.

That’s why I can’t believe this is going to trial- you simply cannot consent to being battered. Even if you went up and asked someone to beat you within an inch of your life, if someone acts on that request they are at fault. That the judge has even entertained the idea that a previously-discussed rape fantasy could

The real poor choice was of those words, coming from a guy who plead not guilty to all of the charges.

I like the OG intro to Romeo and Juliet much better.

Yes, that’s exactly what that person’s sarcastic statement meant.

Hyperbole and ignorance aside, “soo...” what? I’m curious to know where you were going with that train of thought.

I think it’s customary to refer to things from previous administrations in that fashion. There are relevant things still referred to as “Bush-era.”

On the other hand, you are going to destroy the SAT.

Oh god, I was wondering whether they were going to address the ambiguous relationship between him and Emma that the movie ended on, and it wasn’t until I read this comment that I even remembered he had passed :-/

I know you mean well, but this rhetoric (which I’ve seen before and will see again) still pits Sikhs against Muslims in an unhelpful way. And in this situation, it’s not even relevant since there doesn’t seem to be a claim that the shooter thought the victim was Muslim- he shot him based on his “immigrant” appearance.

I don’t know that it could have waited, because for a moment it seemed like they were going rogue and announced who they wanted to win or something, because once we saw the card, we saw it said Moonlight. It wasn’t clear that there was a different card in the mix until Beatty explained it.