
Thank you. I’ve already began seeing a lot of “normally I’m against the death penalty, but this guy...” around the commentsphere. It’s useless because I doubt Roof was the first and (sadly) won’t be the last person to do something terrible on a grand scale. I think if this is anyone’s feelings they were never really

Do you need us to call someone?

And as luck would have it, that bureau is going to be staffed by a white dude with some cool ideas about land usage!

Well, this hits close to home. My soon-to-be sister in law is obsessed with heritage/genealogy (think “I’m a Cherokee princess”-type) and my olive-skinned father just found out that his father was adopted and there’s a rumor that HIS real father might have been native american (in general, no evidence toward any

She should have just stayed in her place and be grateful that she even has a job, right?

Take that up with Chris Pratt, then?

Sloppyhoes was trolling all over a Trump article earlier, I think it’s best to ignore this one.

hot take, junior.

Want to try that again?

I’m holding my breath for the Innocents to get some recognition in the foreign film category at the Oscars. I was really surprised that it wasn’t mentioned in the Golden Globes. I’d seen 4/5 of the GG nominations in that category and I think it was even better than Elle.

also, “simple assault.”

I mean yeah, you just argued your way out of that argument. Seeing animals in captivity isn’t necessary.

I can’t believe Margot Robbie is only 26. I haven’t even come to terms with the fact that I’m older than most professional athletes, though.

From one white person to another- quit fucking talking. Close your mouth, stop your hands and examine where your hatred and fear come from. You’re on the wrong side of history, and you know it because hate eventually dies of embarrassment.

It’s baffling either way- if women know the female symbol, is the argument that men should be familiar with the male symbol? Because even if that’s the case you’d think one of likely many men would be all “hey isn’t that ours?”

Was there a coherent thought somewhere in that rambling?

Do you get off on rage or something? I wouldn’t go to Fox.com even to sneeze on the screen, let alone read the articles just to get mad at them. Is your time so invaluable?

Hooray, the one-trick pony is here to provide some entertainment!

What are your metrics if you’re placing Colbert above Oliver? I enjoy them both but Oliver is a demonstrably more effective journalist.

I saw it, loved it, but there is about 15 minutes of sex that read to me as shock value... or, like, the director spoofing on the male gaze by having long scenes of graphic sex (I haven’t seen hetero sex that convincing outside of porn btw).