except Obama wasn’t the one promising that the country would become Muslim or whatever the hell. We’re afraid of Trump making good on his promises. Are you honestly so dense?
except Obama wasn’t the one promising that the country would become Muslim or whatever the hell. We’re afraid of Trump making good on his promises. Are you honestly so dense?
Hate to break it to you, but the winner of the election isn’t an American Idol winner. They don’t immediately fade into obscurity.
Eh, the real signifier of wealth anymore are the bags that cost twice that and have a minimalist designer mark on it. The plastered initials thing was bigger ~10 years ago and is very new-money or someone with lower-upper class aspirations, but if that’s who you meant to be making fun of you’re right on.
I’m very Prada you.
They were so transparently being sarcastic.
The part where a company publicly stating that something is optional is just for appearances if there’s consequences for that option that they’re keeping quiet. That’s what you’re missing.
You don’t see a difference between doing business with him as a company and literally dancing and smiling at his feet at a big party for him? I mean, I used to work at a hotel, and I would check him in with fair service but no way in hell would my employer get away with telling me I must appear with him in a public…
I have a visceral reaction to music that sounds as perfect as an electric keyboard. It’s not their fault and I have no opinion about them as people, but the sound is uncanny and soulless to me.
They lack duende, which is that wide-ranging “off-ness”, grit, pain that a lot of people need in order to enjoy a musician. Bob Dylan is an obvious example but the argument can be made for Adele, Eminem, Johnny Cash, Amy Winehouse, and lots of other musicians who sing like they’re sharing something private and…
Obviously a topic that will get its own article...
A former coworker (hotel employee) of mine went to another hotel and loudly complained about bed bugs in that hotel’s lobby. I mean, there weren’t ACTUALLY bed bugs and he wasn’t endangering anyone, so why did the staff ask him to leave???
Why does someone who’s being intentionally disruptive have more of a right to do that than other passengers have to a less stressful flight?
Do you also think we should have a white history month?
Incidentally, you and Jamie have something in common- you actions make strangers pity you.
Poor choice of words, even though I’m sure they’re referring to Tyra being campy as hell and engaging in dorky antics on her show, not a microaggression toward a black woman.
She was obviously amending it, not correcting it. There’s a subtle difference and subtlety seems lost on you.
This is really a train wreck
I am honest to god depressed to see this kind of trolling. Don’t you have friends? A girlfriend? Isn’t there anyone in your life who’d be embarrassed to know that you hide behind a troll account and speak to women like this?
is RDJ really twice as famous as Scarlett Johansson? and 13 times more famous than Mark Ruffalo?
Plenty of us can feel sad about a variety of things.