Agreed, like yeah, no shit. Why isn’t this taught in high school during sex ed class, when things like consent and the difference between a healthy and abusive relationship should be addressed.
Agreed, like yeah, no shit. Why isn’t this taught in high school during sex ed class, when things like consent and the difference between a healthy and abusive relationship should be addressed.
Just to put things in context, there have been such institutions as Catholic boarding schools where many boys were molested by nuns. We’re going back a bit in history, but we ladies aren’t all that cracked up to be in our decency and propriety.
You are here presuming that all men are inherently capable of molestation of female children is unfair and assumes both their adherence to heteronormativity and criminality. Do not assume that women are incapable of the same levels of predatory behaviour in these situations.
Don’t Doctors and nurses have to undergo background checks before they start working at a medical facility - specifically for these reasons? That coaches who work with children fuck their way through life without an inkling of legal background checks is insane.
That was beautiful and strangely relatable.
Nutracker Dubstep sounds like something I would blast in my car, for the lolz.
I lived in Germany for a while - all of their Christmas music is uber traditional, consisting of mostly Christian songs and hymns. They even sing some Latin songs like Ubi Caritas (very beautiful) - PS, I’m also an atheist and I would rather listen to this than Jingle Bells ad nauseum.
I bought canvasses and paint and some other art supplies with the intention of painting some nice little peices of art for my family for xmas. The project got started, but honestly, I haven’t the time or energy these past few weeks to work on anything. Aye, I hear you.
Um What the actual fuck!? Some people smarten the hell up and realize that they’re marriage is effed up and unfuck their world by properly divorcing. Or are you one of those weirdoes who thinks that kids can only be properly raised in a hetero-nuclear-monogamous family?
To be honest, I don’t really understand why people care so much whether the POTUS brings his family along for the ride or not. This is a particularly odd attribute of American politics that some how makes the President (or PEOTUS in this case) appear more like royalty with a royal lineage in tow rather than an…
Or low-budget Transformers art films? Transformers! And ART! Come on now, these things don’t have to be mutually exclusive do they?
That’s Shambassador Farage, to you, sir. Yet, another fistula in 2016's plan to drain us all.
Imagine their horror when you try to convince them that Jesus was middle eastern. Who knows, maybe he was black.
No it’s not a real tan. It’s probably skin damage incurred from 70 years roasting his gorgeous aryan skin in the de-ozone-layered American sun. But, I might be wrong.
I’ve always been mildly disturbed by the immense fundraising campaigns that certain cancer groups muster - and I’m curious as to their overhead costs for setting up said fundraising campaigns. Take, for example, Relay for Life: so much money just goes into promoting it that could really have been better spent on…
Praytell, how exactly does one trespass in a store that is open 24/7?
It’s like a Shoppers Drugmart, but 3-5x the size so they can sell food and other “useful” trinkets.
I’ll bring the popcorn!
Those eyes, though. Can’t help but be reminded of this: