
This is why the Golden Saucer blew my middle school mind.

Is his mother named Martha?

Skyward Sword! It’s so good! Particularly the art, it is by far the prettiest Zelda game. I could stare at that art all day.

I hope it leads to a space ship filled with clockwork men.

I must say, the “Marvel Method” contains 2 seasons of Daredevil and 1 season of Jessica Jones.

If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.

Not so! I actually enjoyed Watchmen. I own Sucker Punch on Blu-ray and think it was pretty amazing. I just didn’t need Watchmen style in my Batman Punching Superman movie.

maybe fan games shouldnt make trailers until they’re finished and released the game.

I really do enjoy reading these comic summaries.

Its a lazy cash grab, this is coming from a hardcore Mega Man fan who did buy this new collection as well - Sure the old anniversary didn’t have the best sound but it was a far better collection. . .You cannot forgive capcom simply because “it preserves the game for younger generations”. . .It’s basically the same

I can foresee angry misclicks with that “concede” option being so close to “done”

Unless they’re made by Nintendo. They seem to have their act together, or they completely deny anything is wrong and never fix it.

“Why the heck did I ever think Final Fantasy games were so great?”

Because they are. That’s not your problem.

Your problem is that you created an unrealistic expectation of it, probably after having jumped on the “Final Fantasy was good before and now sucks” train that every moron on the Internet does and now you’re

You mean PS3.... It’s not been re-released on the PS4.

Well they are the best game designers out there.

I suppose the good news is that after Final Fantasy XIII, this and I assume the upcoming bastardization of VII remake, when they FINALLY return to form on consoles and make a good, traditional Final Fantasy, it will be considered refreshing and fun again.

I’d prefer the old turn based combat of yore. And considering the success of Bravely Default a lot of people do also.

So Final Fantasy is dead, long live to Final Fantasy!

Insulting others for having a difference preference than you? Real mature.

i’m ... confused. this isn’t turn based combat ... :/