
Pretty sure it’s just a Muppet prop.

you forgot Metatron!

I’ve read this article twice, and I still don’t know what actually happened to Reed.

Finally some love for the best FF.

“It’s not THAT popular.”

That’s probably fair, but I mean it’s a badge of honor. The reason why that one person won’t shut up about it is because it changed their life (or because it attracts people who aggressively evangelize about whatever they like, in which case they’d probably just be going on about Firefly or Doctor Who or Adventure

I only just realized that Steven Universe fandom has a stigma associated with it. I was kinda surprised!

As a Steven Universe fan, I did not realize some people viewed the show’s fanbase as obnoxious.

Are Undertale fans really that in your face? I haven’t really seen any discussions about it outside of articles or videos about the game.

I haven’t really seen any vocal Undertale fans, I just see critics/commentators on YouTube saying how good it is.

This is true of every fandom in existence. Expose yourself to the fandom and suddenly you feel the subject matter is tainted. Just like the other responder, this happened to me with Doctor Who.

Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand this line of thinking, but I tried to stop myself looking at things this way once I realized that these obnoxious fanbases are usually made up of enthusiastic people who are seeing identities and ideals they identify with explored for the first time in mediums that they love

I’m going to punch everyone who thinks this isn’t funny.

With that closed loop liquid cooling system, he looks ready to overclock!

I'm definitely one of those Ridley guys, and I think this is hilarious. Obviously Nintendo pays attention to the behavior of the fanbase. They just choose to IGNORE it in regard to Mother 3.


That’s because Tactics is the best Final Fantasy game.
It demands all of your attention.
A human mind can only focus on all the other Final Fantasy games OR the glory of Tactics. Not both.

For me it was X. It was the last one that felt “Final Fantasy”. XI was an MMO, XII was boring as hell, XIII was meh and XIV feels like FF, but it’s also an MMO.