
Jenny Schecter, is that you?

I never understand why people get so upset about other people bothering with it. My fiance and I live together but are having a wedding because

The theme song makes me swoon a little.

Thanks for saying that! I think it's better when we're apart a little while every few weeks because I appreciate him so much more when I see him again.

So, over the past few weeks I have had some clear fluid leaking from one of my breasts. I went in to have it checked out, and the NP who saw me seemed highly concerned and had me get my blood drawn on the spot. Well, after four days of worrying and assuming I was going to be diagnosed with something awful, I finally

I felt so shitty about staying at home all week on my vacation but it turned out to be an amazing week. I got to reconnect with my parents who came up for two days, I finally met my neighbors and we have plans to go hiking in a couple of weeks. I discovered so much about my city that I usually was too busy working to

Internet hugs are absolutely accepted. I'm sore and achy and my knee is swollen, but I'm physically fine. Thank you!

Omg yes! <3 That's what I'm currently doing. I'm on my fourth beer and I've been watching House of Cards on Netflix for a couple of hours. Love this show.

I get pretty offended when anyone suggests that having a discussion over whether something is humane is worthwhile. It is ALWAYS worthwhile to explore whether something is or is not humane. They are talking about something that might have brought an animal, an emotional creature, distress and whether it could or

Where is my Jez ghost stories post?! I needs it!!!!

There is more than one person in America, therefore both things are possible.

I'm a man, let me take a crack at this. You should be:

You're not alone! I hate all those phrases that try to diminish people's suffering. Like when you go, "This really shitty thing happened to me" and people go, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" or "Everything happens for a reason" or "Cheer up." When all you wanted to hear was "Damn, that sucks" or "Damn, that

It comes down to a matter of stereotyping. I would think that Mariachi player, a Geisha in a Kimono, or a Folk costume (of any culture) would be seen as offensive because they're picking one stereotype from a culture and highlighting it.

Mine is, yes, because I work at home and get my traffic updates from PornHub.

The Nielsen-Massey vanilla extract that I pay a bunch of $$ for is basically just vanilla-infused bourbon.



Ugh, so right. I've had symptoms since at least 12 when I was severely depressed and attempted suicide twice; I can't actually pinpoint my first hypomanic episode until I was 14. I was walking home from school one day and suddenly I realized that everything was perfect and beautiful. That the birds were singing with

Nooooooooooooo. That sounds just so noooooooooooo.You should see my face right now.