
Yes, because God forbid children ever see the human body. Why do you view harassing women about swimsuits as the best way to preserve decency in this world?

I plug the place so much you'd think I'm a promoter for them (I'm not! I swear! I'm just a huge techno-head and go out at least twice a week) but Output (Brooklyn) gets it...lots of seating, NO bottle service, incredible sound system (allegedly the best in North America) and no door policy. Great bookings, definitely

CT laxxer bros have nothing on MD laxxer bros.

Maybe because we watched everyone in the boomer generation go through harrowing divorces?

See!! #NotAllChristians

Can anyone explain to me why any sane woman would vote Republican because I do NOT get it at all.

Oh man I hated dating. I'm a super old millenial (under 30 is millenial, right?) and I did the dating thing a bit, and it was *awful.* I much preferred semi-drunken hookups, which actually ended up leading to deeper, more interesting relationships for me.

I so love it when "adults" complain about how kids these days don't have any social skills and just hang out on their smartphones all day long.

This! Half the time I'm in public I have a shitty expression on my face, sunglasses just make it easier to move around without incident

I think it's actually worse for poor people that rich people are so unwilling to call poor people poor and themselves rich. (Every rich American I know considers him- or herself upper middle class.) It keeps them from understanding their relative privilege, from feeling an obligation to people with less money, and

Gee, if it's so easy, why don't men do half the work? That would shut us up!

If you're sitting on your ass for 2 hours and 50 minutes out of every 3 while you do laundry, you're doing most of 1-6 wrong and definitely fucking up #8.

Looking for your 8 false laundry assumptions? Here you go:

(And they expect a medal for "babysitting", aka taking care of your own fucking offspring.)

Many women lose hours at work as they are the ones who take care of the kids when they can't go to school or daycare. They are the ones who take care of sick parents too. Since women do the majority of the caregiving they miss more work. Your mother's oncologist doesn't offer weekend appointments.

You think a household has three loads of laundry a week? Hahahaha

Unless you're living your entire life in a series of house flips or building a log cabin for your family by hand, home maintenance is occasional and sporadic and would never in a million years add up to the hours disparity banked in housework.

Please. My husband can't even hang a picture.

You do realize that without the vaccines, your children can get diseases that also cause "fever, seizures, paralysis, blindness, deafness, or death" AND pass that along to innocent bystanders. With or without the vaccines, your children are at risk for those exact same things- you're just willing to let other people

Ever heard of herd immunity? No? Google it. It's not just a choice that impacts you and your children. It puts everyone you/your kids come into contact with at risk, especially a) those who are allergic to certain components used in vaccines and thus can't get the shot, and b) babies, children, the sick, the elderly