
Yes! Guys that are perfectly chiseled or genetically gifted are not as attractive to me because they're unattainable and/or just too perfect looking. Meanwhile, a man that cares about himself & also cares about having a beer a few times a week? And also probably has a beard because this is my fantasy? GIMME HIM.

So I understand the pain you feel, but she is clearly severely depressed. I wouldn't take any of her actions personally, wanting to hide, pushing everyone away, are things that very sick people do. And they often stay hidden because they feel guilty about how they are "burdening others" and they "know" they are a

People who you never liked (or never liked you) in high school. Why did I accept all those invites when I joined?!?!

For some reason I understood RHCP as "RHPS" instead, and got really excited that there was a Rocky Horror segment of the halftime show. Though how that would be less explicit I don't know.

I didn't ship it til that moment and I don't ship it any other time but in that movie I need them together like burning. My first real ship was Harry/Draco so I've got implausible, never-gonna-happen otps on lock.

The biggest and most obvious being the campaign and election of the first minority President

Can someone just message me when Gawker Media stops fucking talking about Macklemore? Thanks in advance.

Fuck this. Fuck all of these posts. Fuck them all. Really, Jezebel? How many fucking posts do we need today about how Macklemore shouldn't have won, how KL is the shit and should have won, and how Macklemore only won because he is white?

Dudes. Go on Fetlife, you may find an eager young kinkster who would like to do this for free. For someone who would only do something like this for money, the amount you are offering is insulting.

As far as I can tell from reading other news sources, she may have gotten pregnant on a visit home to El Salvador. If I read one more joke about "the immaculate conception" from people who do not understand what that means I will scream.

Anyone else sick of dealing with friends who forget you exist until they're single/sad/in need of cheering up? Lately, I feel like I've just been used as a crutch for people to lean on until they're happy again, and then they fade into the distance. Then it repeats all over again. Of course, when I'm going through a

So you're telling me I can just have sex for half an hour to an hour, three to five times a week, and that counts as my "moderate exercist" quotient?

My oldest son has autism. He's 8 now, and he bathes without complaint, but there was a time period from about age 4 to age 6 where he had serious problems with the sensation of water on his skin. SERIOUS problems. Freak out and lie on the floor screaming because you got his hand wet. He had a real sensory problem with

I've come to understand that a lot of (not all, not even most, but a lot of) skinny people really don't understand people volume. I mean there's no reason they should. However, fat folks are confronted with it every single day. We are constantly having to do the math of how much precious Skinny People Volume we

no, i'm pretty sure jesus explicitly stated you have to follow all the laws of the old testament.

Sounds like your husband is quite a winner, and that you don't have a thing to worry about!

Is Myka and Pete a thing that's happening?!?! Do not want. I stopped watching that show a long time ago but I thought they would always resist that direction.

So what you're saying here is... I might be able to afford to see my shrink more than once every three months? I might be able to actually AFFORD all the various medications she puts me on? I might be able to feel... BETTER? What witchcraft is this?

I'm bisexual. Fucking nobody buys it as a legit orientation. You're either experimenting, looking for attention, or in denial. Queer and straight communities. I generally keep it to myself because I'm sick of hearing it.