
The Ferengi. All they want to do is be profitable and grow the private sector of the Alpha Quadrant, but Space Obama insists on taxing their profits and blithely ignores the Rules of Acquisition on a routine basis.

the spice must flow

Mom has a Staub chicken roaster which sort of looks like a large, cast iron buttplug but is incredible and I'm jealous

Personally, I think it's a plot by the Tal Shiar

"Godleigh Womanhood" is a P.G. Wodehouse character. He is nearsighted and trips and falls into the fish pond.

Love this comment. My family are Irish and it drives me insane when people name their children "old" "magical" "Irish" names BUT THEN DON'T LEARN HOW TO PRONOUNCE OR SPELL THEM PROPERLY.

Tom Felton from the Harry Potter Series. I wasted an entire cartridge of black AND color ink printing out a collage of his beautiful face I spent 6 hours making. I made a fact sheet about him and committed said facts to memory. I obsessed over him and fantasized that he would magically appear here in America, show up

Crabcakes need only a bit of binding and should be mostly lump — YES.

I just don't think you need to go to Ireland (or anywhere) to object to adding ice water to it. I'm just glad you were smart enough to recognize the cray cray for what it was.

Why...why... why would you do that to whiskey? Why? I get throwing a few ice cubes in it — that's a challenge accepted to see if you'll drink it before it gets watered down. But ice water? WTF!

Absinth: the dangerously attractive yet completely fucked up married guy who sits in a dark corner of the bar, glaring at you.

As a plus-sized redhead who is finally at a place where I feel sexy, I love Hilda enough that I'd name a daughter after her.

And writers across the land looked at their plans for NaNoWriMo, crumpled them up and tossed them away, and got ready for their shifts at McDonalds.

I know this adds nothing to the discussion, but I fucking hate "Family Guy." I know Seth McFarlane thinks he's being sooo outrageous, but he is just a mysogynistic pig.

My beer tastebuds are all messed up from living in Portland, I pretty much live off of ultra-hoppy beers now, so anything that's not an IPA often tastes like Budweiser to me lol.

I have a ton of family who would be offended if I curse or post stuff like this on Facebook, so I use the lists all the time - they always seem to work. But when it comes to things like celebrating DOMA yesterday, I leave it so everyone can see. Screw their judgement. :D

Whaaaat? Baltimore is awesome :-) You can actually afford to live here, plus we have the world's BEST AQUARIUM!

I'm a nonbeliever, but was raised/am culturally a Baltimore Catholic (of a hardcore liberal social justice-y strain). So I feel it's my duty to point out that the first American saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton (Mother Seton) was also a Marylander and lived in Bmore. Baltimore Catholic women: getting shit done. The kickass

Me too, except Chex Mix. They need a bag designed to eat your hand off like a Venus Flytrap before you get through 3/4 of said bag.

I google how long to boil an egg. Every. Single. Time. Or call my mom. Every. Single. Time.