
This poem is always worth posting; “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood.

I voted for Jill Stein in 2012 (absentee, in a safe non-swing state that would unquestionably go Obama), and I’m now super embarrassed by this.

Seriously. I’m not sure how accurate they are (as is the case with any study), but some “studies have shown” that men who consume large amounts of porn can’t even get it up for “real” women anymore. They look at a certain very unrealistic ideal and no flesh and blood woman can fulfill that fantasy.

I don’t think I can be convinced that porn is healthy for men. Ladies, whose boyfriends/husbands are pornheads, tell me honestly and not the “sex positive, politically correct, men pleasing” version, do your partners porn habits mean great/improved sex with better, more frequent orgasms for you personally?

So we now have sportsmanship truthers?

Cute, but he stole her thunder. I don’t know if I’d have been okay with him stealing my shine with a proposal. But she loves him I guess.

1. Hamilton Nolan

Ugh, those are the WORST.

I’d rather vote Zapp than Trump.

This is a pretty excellent response to that entire batshit situation.

This is too much. This has really, really gone too far.


Let me rephrase it then. If you want this amazing thing called the internet to remain awesome, you;ve got to expect the sites to be able to pay the bills. Otherwise, well look what’s happened to newspapers.

Twenty five years ago I would’ve had to wait until Monday’s USA Today to be delivered to read about this. Maybe it would have gotten a 10 second report on Sportscenter at 11pm. Probably not, as they might not have the tape cut in time after NBC showed it just a few hours earlier.

Jesus Christ, that is dumb. Seriously fucking dumb.

ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow owwwwwwwww

Dude, chill.


Jill stein is an anti-Vaxxer who takes money from snake oil salesmen who market magic water to desperate people.