State Name : Obesity Ranking : Poorest Ranking
Mississippi, 1 - 1
State Name : Obesity Ranking : Poorest Ranking
Mississippi, 1 - 1
Well for starters, let's just say I didn't really mind our rape gif problem.
Finally, the first legitimate chance that Pissing Contest could win Pissing Contest.
Chicagoans are serious about the no ketchup rule.
Chicago dogs already have tomato on them (along with basically the rest of the garden). They do not need fucking ketchup. If you want ketchup on your hot dog, you can go home and put it on there your fucking self.
OK, I get mixing mustard and mayo, and ketchup and mayo, but all three? How does going for the trifecta not result in crossing the streams?
None of the burgers I see listed on their menu have mayo anywhere in the ingredients. I see tarragon sauce, red pepper aioli, and blue cheese. I guess it would be, like, extra work to find out if the chef actually includes mayo in his sauce.
That is a bad way to shut down a valuable debate. Essentially, you are saying, "if you don't agree, then it is because you do not understand." Perhaps you do not understand rather than the other people. This leads to an impasse as the statement that someone does not understand when it comes to making value…
Copy/pasting the same reply to multiple people doesn't make it more correct.
There are a lot of "table gaming weirdos" who read this site, and would have nothing to do with a "rape room". That comment was uncalled for.
I'm not sure that's true. In human history, there are countless examples of families being slaughtered and people caring very little about it. Hell, look at the Joseph Stalin quote (one that rings true even today): "One death is a tragedy. One million is a statistic."…
I disagree. Rape itself is never funny... but there have been jokes about rape that ARE funny. How is that possible? Because a joke is funny because it can help illuminate the human condition, can reveal a truth that we all know. Our laughter is a catharsis. Thus, jokes that gently, cleverly and respectfully…
Is this the entire depth of your argument, or do you feel there's some cornerstone untouched? I'm genuinely curious.
Not for nothing, but my husband and I are a couple of "table gaming weirdos." Table gamer =/= rapist or weirdo.
I definitely see what you are saying, but real-life, non joke, actual rapes are taken seriously. I've never heard anyone involved in the criminal justice system say "rape isn't a big deal" when it occurs (In the US at least...), the problem is the doubt that is has occurred.
So how come you get to tell everybody else what they can or cannot do?
Um, no. You basically stated as much. But have fun plugging your ears and pretending that you somehow make sense.
I'm at the office and have no way to listen to this ATM, but I'll check it out later.
People, people, people. The greatest philosphizer and satirist of our time has already spoken on this: