
Nope. It just means that once you click into the comments, you have to either scroll all the way to the bottom or top to exit.

Go fuck yourself.

Oh god, please just go away.

I once watched Cars in a middle-east hotel with my wife because at that point we had quite exhausted other possibilities and were much in need of some "veg time".

Interesting. My Latin's a LOT better than I thought it was, all these years later.

Humans are fucking doomed.

My biggest annoyance over this whole matter is discovering that I can't go to my TV service that I have patched through the One without being logged in.

I haven't been able to sign in for hours. It's not the first time. The code that it spits up is (for all that I'm able to find) a generic "we can't connect" message.

"Relatively unimpressed" is an interesting euphemism for "wish he would just die already".

OR they're common words in the english language, and most people don't feel the need to phrase themselves towards the pedantic crowd.

What wait wait, what? There's no skip between "rolling around on an orgy bed" and "Christian music artist"?


I'm not one of those nostalgic types that wants... I don't enough know what kind of epic you'd want out of Transformers. My inner child has danced with each movie. Except for the deaths.

Yeah, I'm not too fussed to be honest. If it comes, I'll love it, but it comes whenever it does.

Yup, that has to be one of my favorite completed webcomics. Enough so that I have the printed version, signed, and also donated a set to my hometown library (I'm friends with the librarian; every so often she gets a box of books that I've ordered for them).


If you look at the Ultimate series (and between the setting working better for movies and the stories making some actual sense in a modern setting, why wouldn't you?) the Stretchy Guy stuff is pretty much at a minimum. If anything is simply makes is mental abilities shine more.

You called?

Seriously? Go fuck yourself; I'm sorry, did you expect to have the argument of "you're a monster" and get a polite response Get your head out of your ass and you might be able to see in more than black and white.

Which isn't good for anything more than kidnapping/unlawful detainment charges, maybe not even that depending on how much detail had come out before he rolled.