
The contracting situation depends solely on your company. I’m a contractor currently, I would not get paid if there was a shutdown unless I took my own vacation/sick days. My father’s a contractor. It was the same for him in 2013. If your position is labeled as essential/vital you go in- if not, say goodbye to a


But does he dance??

Excuse me while I go throw up.

I don’t even have that :( . Going to buy a mini washer in a few weeks!

I'd love to buy a dishwasher...but my kitchn is stupid tiny 😖

Whelp, now my Halloween and Thanksgiving will just feature regular condoms.

Somehow this makes me sad.

Joel Johnson is the Editorial Director of Gawker Media, so a big boss. And it does seem like contradictory information, but it also seems like no one was taking it seriously until the problem affected all of GM. So they may have just assumed they were burners. And it may be different trolls this time/they changed

Because this isn't being done by ppl with Burner accounts. GM needs full time mods, or they need to bring back the greys. Those are the only option.

You all at the Help Desk are amazing. Thank you! I would love to send a 6 pack (for each of you) in appreciation of all of your hard work.

Writers, thank you so much for addressing this. I appreciate you acknowledging what an issue this has been for us, and I can't imagine the issues it has caused for you all.

Half of my family lives in this state. I lived with relatives for a number of years and visit fairly often. I wish I could say that this information surprises me, but it doesn't. It makes me angry that a state filled with such wonderful people and natural beauty is also associated with some of the most backward

Dodai, this episode...I CAN'T EVEN.

I'd eat it. Nachos but with fried chicken nuggets, sound freaking tasty.

I worked in a Wal-Mart deli. I already know lol.

Nanu Nanu.

I used to live near a spice factory. It smelled lovely in the summer.

I put more than a tablespoon on pizza and mac and cheese alone at any given time.

I used to work at Wal-Mart in the Deli of a SuperCenter. In my (completely anecdotal) experience, Wal-Mart fills a need that other grocery stores simply aren't. Especially in rural America and some urban food deserts (like Chicago and DC). If it means more fresh fruits and vegetables in areas that badly need it, I

Lol I grew up in Northern VA and went to VCU (in Richmond) for grad school. Some of my best friends worked in the museums in and around Richmond so I got a first hand look at alot of the historical stuff in the area. Whenever I see someone talking about VA museums tourist-y stuff I get a tad excited lol.