
I'm not saying this is an incredibly better scenario than still having Maclin, but y'all keep saying Riley Cooper is the only one left when rookie and all-time SEC receptions leader Jordan Matthews clearly outproduced him last season and gained a large role in the offense as the season progressed.

That's really what it boils down to: When does the rebuild stop and the build begin?

I'm a Sixers fan, too. I just meant that win and Nerlens' play during it is kind of a microcosm of Hinkie's eye for talent and their progress under Brown.

You're right. The defense needed another linebacker or two, two cornerbacks, a safety and probably an edge rusher. So far, they've gotten an excellent LB to pair with Kendricks and the top CB available with more free agency and the draft ahead. Pretty good start.

It's PC to call bullshit on beating your child bloody (and then acting like YOU are the victim)? I mean, I think he did his time and deserves to come back, but, shit, he's no victim and the public treated him how he deserved (Goodell, not so much).

is Belgian.

This is sarcasm, right?

Do I look forward to my birthday each February? No.

I'm admittedly in love with the idea of black IPAs, but rarely are they executed how I'd like them to be (Lagunitas IPA or Two-Hearted, but, you know, dark). Even Lagunitas' black IPA goes a bit overboard (great first few sips, a bit cumbersome to get through the rest of the bottle).

What a crazy day. There are ways to argue for what he gave up and what he got, but it feels silly, like me overanlyzing my fantasy football team and trying to figure out the slight numerical edge.

That's good-faith argument is fair, and indicates a simple difference in opinion/philosophy about how a team should be run.

Welp, his work today certainly gives your case more firepower. For a split second I was super excited for IT3, but he's going to Boston so we lose KJ (my favorite of all his picks so far) and MCW (pretty glad he's gone) and get nothing but picks and JaVale McGee's backpack in return.

I must've replied to the wrong comment. I meant that the tone of the article is so unnecessarily aggressive (Hinkie's an idiot and everything he's done is bad) while your comments are much more even-keeled (Time will tell whether the players he drafted become successful, but Hinkie shouldn't be getting notoriety for

"Imagine if the Philadelphia 76ers' GM were running True Detective."

Then why didn't you just say that in the article?

Calling it a success prematurely isn't any more ludicrous than calling it a failure early.

She's not bad, she's just drawn that way.

That was never the argument by anyone on this site. The argument was that being a loud and outspoken black person doesn't warrant being labeled a thug, being an actual gangster and/or repeated thuggish behavior does. Domestic violence is thuggish behavior, which certainly warrants being called a thug, though there are

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