
And the post was removed! Oh, man, he should have made up a story that stood up to more than a couple of seconds of scrutiny.

So a pretty common troll retort around these parts is 'why don't you do something to help people out in real life instead of just complaining on the internet?' I've seen some variation of this cry tons of times over the years. I literally just got a response along this line last week.

Sooooo, he proved that people on Jezebel are decent human beings. Wow. Score one for the MRA team... amirite.

So. I am here to give an update about what happened last week when I fled from my emotionally abusive boyfriend. I've been posting about trying to get out of this relationship for a while but had been very very stuck do to being very very poor and very alone in a new city and not being able to afford a place of my own

My pet peeve is misuse of apostrophes. Sorry.

Yeah, wait, actually she might want to re consider being with someone this dishonest and selfish.

No, it doesn't make a difference. They did not agree to live with you, you are not paying to live there, you should not be living there. They are the ones with a right to say what is and isn't OK in the apartment, not you. You are in the wrong. Move out.

I'm sorry, I think I have to agree with everyone else here- your boyfriend's roommates didn't agree to live with you when they took the apartment, and it's not cool for your boyfriend to slip you in as a surprise roommate and expect everyone else to just deal. Why can't you and your boyfriend spend a few days and

It's good that you're not a financial burden but I still feel that if you're there all the time you are, in a way, invading their space. If there was a stranger in my house all the time who was living there without prior consent from all housemates, I would feel uncomfortable. Even if you don't have a key, even if you

Firstly: "Basically the set up has each tenant having their own room with a private bathroom connected to it, and they only share an open kitchen/living room space." I think you're trying to use the layout of the apartment to justify why your constant presence is not, in your mind, affecting the other roommates. But,

It's not really possible to make yourself invisible and unheard, though. If I was the roommate, I would be annoyed, too. I would take it personally because everyone wants to feel comfortable in their space. He does not seem to be comfortable with you.

At best, it's simply not fair that this girl gets to live rent free in the house, and I can't blame the other roommates for being pissed off about it, since they actually have to pay bills. At worst, she's painting an overly rosy picture of herself and she isn't, in fact, as invisible and silent as she thinks she is.

Everyone loves to think that they're this perfect angel who never bothers anyone and is always in the right, but the truth is, you aren't your bf's roommate. You have no right to say what does or does not bother him, and I don't think he just woke up one morning and decided "I'm going to fuck with my roommate". It

Yeah, I like sleeping in my boyfriend's room too, but if my roommate had another person living with us, I'd put my foot down. They signed up to live with two people, not three. It's reasonable that they want to live with two people, not three. If you were homeless, it'd be different. But you have a dorm room. Look,

I do have experience with this situation. I lived in a share house in the past where one of my housemate's girlfriend was there every day, even sometimes when we weren't home (turns out she had a key). She wasn't paying any rent or contributing to bills. We never said it was cool for her to have a key or live there,

It's not a grey area. You and your boyfriend are in the wrong. Your boyfriend's roommates didn't sign up to live with three people. They signed up to live with two, and I can understand why one of his roommates is mad. You don't get to judge how much your presence bothers them, and your unhappiness with your living

So you are also an expert on Method?

I'm so curious as to how someone you don't know not wanting to date matters so much to you. She's Taylor Swift. If she's not dating, it sure as hell isn't because she's desperate.

Folks are more likely to complain about what Jezebel is gonna do than Jezebel is to complain about an article.

Well, if she's got a high deductible plan or no insurance at all she very well might have waited quite a while to visit the doctor. Plenty of people wait to see just how sick they really are before they go to the doctor, because it's really expensive! I'm not advocating crying Ebola to be seen faster, but it's naive