
Well, I’ve gotten myself caught up in “futbol” after the women’s WC win. Was bummed that the US didn’t win through, but not because I care for the cup. I wasnt to see blood on the field! I gave up watching soccer after the last men’s WC because the flopping BS was unmanly, unsportsmanlike, and ridiculous to watch. Rub

This just wasn’t as much fun as the Bucs blog because, well, I kinda feel sorry for Jax and Cleveland. They are the missing chromosome of the NFL...

Awesome article. I had to double check that this is Deadspin lol.

Best article I've read on this site this year. Well thought out and spot on. But if you really think about it, does anyone really give a damn?

Here is a coach that needs to be put in a plastic bubble moving forward - for his safety and others around him! Priceless!

It's always fun for me to read articles written by guys who were likely the last pick on the playground wailing on guys who played at the pro level for having an informed opinion.

They could still beat the Sixers...

He might do better with a lawyer than an arbitrator and protection on behalf of the Union. Nobody loves the NFL as a Company or the Owners as a group. A good lawyer would LOVE to get this in front of a jury!

+1 for the best response of the week!

Thanks for being the voice of reason!

So I'm supposed to believe that a Jax fan: 1) knew what a boarding pass looked like, 2) Could read it, 3) Was clever enough to know how to cancel it? Sorry, I smell Miami all over this one...

They did the same to the Irish and Italians n this Country in the 1800's and early 1900's. So it's not just about black and brown, it is about power and keeping the poorest where they are. Irish and Italians - mostly Catholic - fought back by becoming tighter communities, building hospitals and schools, and keeping

The school made promises they didn't/won't keep. Watts ended by saying he would treat the student athletes "honorably" when no honor has been exhibited by anyone except the students. I smell a very large class action suit, and for a change I hope they win. Students and their families take the process of committing to


I don't watch Tosh but that was funny. ESPN is just getting on my nerves these days. They have become the girl you dated for way too long that decided to stop having sex with you because she was acting like you are already married. Of course I never realized this until I got married and turned to ESPN to fill up my

I think it is wonderful that the Knicks can lose in a specific shape now...

TWO blowjobs in ONE day?! Ah to be young again...

Best week for signs so far was FSU/ND. These are just plain weak compared to the shots at Winston and ESPN.

