
Strip padiddle, far and away.

John Pearley Huffman is a toolbag freelancer and Inside Line should seriously stop paying for his articles.

A tweaked and improved multiplayer with many of the glaring issues from MW and MW2 (hopefully) fixed?

@firefek: You're right about the BlOps/MW2 thing, but the complaints I mainly heard were about all the steps back from MW1 (and rightfully so). MW2 is still better as a multiplayer experience than anything Treyarch has ever done.

Does it make me a terrible person if I'm anticipating MW3?

Women + large SUVs.

I was shocked at the sheer number of posts not mentioning the Mazdaspeed 3. Especially the new revision.

Ordinarily I'd vote red, but gotta go with black on this one.

To address your first point, you didn't read it correctly. What you are agreeing to is that you must use the Steam software, and you must allow the Steam software to automatically update itself. They cannot access your system at any time for any reason (at least not according to the EULA), but they can keep their

1) Yep, I'm aware of this. It is not, however, scanning my system for installed software and potentially making that information available to 3rd parties without my ability to opt out. Valve is not perfect, but what you're automatically agreeing to in the Origin EULA is ridiculous.

Why I will not be buying or playing Battlefield 3, if it requires Origin (client) to be installed and running, and not just an Origin account. For the record, Steam has no such provision in its EULA.

Why should we NEED to?

Mark Meer is a boss, but male Shep just isn't as fun as FemShep. Jennifer does a great job with the voice acting, and the animations just seem more natural/fitting for FS (ManShep looks kind of stilted and awkward).

So I decided to send EA a nastygram, saying in essence "no Steam, no sale".

Bugatti was probably afraid Hennessey would try to steal something off the car. Can you blame them?

I'll attest to the North Dallas Tollway being a speeder's paradise. Was out in Dallas for work a couple years ago, and met up with a buddy of mine for dinner. We *may* have discovered that his SL500 hits 140 without any drama before traffic forced us to slow down. He seemed a little nervous about giving it the

Saw this the other day on another forum.

Well, there are plenty of reasons not to trust the board. No accounting for track conditions, no accounting for driver differences (even between "obvious" Stigs and discounting that more than one person wears the white suit). No attempt to prevent ringers.

According to Urban Dictionary, a fuckwit is "A person who is not only lacking in clue but is apparently unable or unwilling to acquire clue even when handed it on a plate in generous portions."

1) Weight doesn't matter for top speed, just how quickly you get there. It would need a very low drag area (coefficient of drag x frontal area) to hit ~270 MPH with 800 HP.