
I, honestly, don't find them overpriced at all. $40? $5 more than a new DS game? Totally worth it! However, I think a discount line like Player's Choice should be made soon. If not, oh well, but I think it'd be a good idea.

I could not agree more with this.

I am the same exact way as this poster. I an a Nintendo loyalist. Ask away.

There's no mention of the Wii, which pioneered the "let's get more people into gaming so we don't kill ourselves" tactic.

I will miss it, but it has served its purpose....

Yes! Steve Wiebe has finally done it!!

@amg0D: I actually really love this movie. It's a great representation of Mario in real life. Because face it, Mario world in real life would be stupid. They did a great job! Classic fun!

Best gaming peripheral ever? Literally play till your thumbs blow off!

Already put in my facebook quotes :D

I definitely prefer dubbing.

@Yokai: DS doesn't stand for anything. Do some research.

I'll be getting it.

Amazing article.

No surprise there

@Pretty Sneaky Sis: He threw away his second run in the Qualification Round because of this. And his second run int he Finals was useless, but instead he went and got the best score of all of them! Incredible!

Raid party..haha good one.

Nintendo isn't quite as affected by this as other game companies, I find. At least not until a week before release, that is, when IGN or GameTrailers gets their hands on a game.

@DrezKill: Those levels were difficult. I'd like to think the Galaxies outside of domes in SMG are like those, except with a spin move, and a heck of a lot more polish.

YES!!! I've waited 10 years for this!!!

@Alex_Mexico: Looking forward to SMG2, I assume?