Sequel to their Wii Remote hahaha! That one gave me a good laugh.
Sequel to their Wii Remote hahaha! That one gave me a good laugh.
Not a single mention of the GBA slot?
Animal Crossing, what else?
I prefer English
This is going to be so effin' awesome.
Incredibly interesting. You really should share more stories with us readers who help pay the bills. ;)
Game & Watch
See? Even the little ones get tied up.
Oh my gosh, that is so cool! I need one of those. Well, hopefully I'll never NEED it, but I want it. Badly.
what's so bad about the jacket?
That's pretty darn well awesome!
Happy birthday, Game Boy! I love you!
Please, Lord of Gaming, please! Let Steve completely own Billy! Please!
Authorities Fail
I'm Sold
Wow, I'm in shock.
Omg so much speed.. AWESOME
You don't watch "Jon & Kate Plus Eight", do you?
I love the idea of downloading Game Boy games.