
If you don't sleep, you don't snore.

Surface's keyboard is very thin and portable. No BT keyboard can be that thin and portable. Using a BT keyboard with an iPad is cumbersome. Going back and highlighting text, switching apps, clicking buttons, all requires you to reach out and touch the iPad's screen. It was just not designed to be used with a keyboard


There's a trick with the gallery, isn't there?

Good point. I should look at the statistics. Do you think the live drawing and panning is used too much in PhD? I see they do it too in Minute Physics. Also, what do you think of the content?

Do you think the PhD one pans around too quickly and there's too much "live drawing"? I see this use this technique in the Minute Physics ones. I guess it's used to keep the watcher's attention rather than just have static slides and talking. I guess it can be over done though.

Haha great comic! Except one thing... wireless mice do not work with tablets (at least not with iOS) so you're constantly typing on keyboard and then reaching over to touch your screen to change apps or go back and highlight. Copy and paste is a bitch, etc, etc, etc. :-)

Pretty hot? Damn Facebook!

Melissa Walthall: University of Phoenix. Class of 2009 · Associates degree of the arts in psychology. Yikes. These degrees aren't proving very useful after all. :P

Thanks! But how do they compare to the PhD comic videos for you?

For a pressurized suit, Felix would not feel any static pressure differences. However, if he's getting close to the sound barrier, there is a huge build up of pressure infront of him and not behind him. Therefore, there's a pressure gradient between his front and back. He would then feel the suit being pressed against

Question for Gizmodo readers: how much do you like these Minute Physics videos compared to say the PhD comic videos on dark matter & the Higgs?

I was going to make a joke about firing "Blancks"!

They have a "Denmark's most beautiful woman lips" competition as well. I better not link the pic. It's pretty good. :-)

Woa. I got slaughtered for this comment. For the record, I think that there are things worth more than money. I am a scientist and I give up 120k+ salaries in consulting/finance to work in science. My research is tax-payer funded. So by taking the salary cut, at least I get funded for my work. It's different when

How much do you think something like that would cost? Was my 50-100k in the right ball park? What are the studios looking out for? The quality of the CGI, the vision and imagination in the plot, the quality of the acting?

The question is: if you did have the watermark, would they have used it in the first place? Probably not. Would you make any money off it with or without the watermark?

Why do short-films like this get made? I don't understand the production firm and short-film industry very well; The makers must have spent 50-100k on this. They don't get sales for view. There are no adverts on their webpage. Are they trying to attract some attention to their firm for big future hollywood projects or

Yea! Where is this information in the article? Where is it coming from? There's quite a lot of anecdotal evidence in the article. For me, the only real piece of information that gives numbers that are relevant to the end customer is: "Patents for software and some kinds of electronics, particularly smartphones, are

Some people are too obsessed with material comforts. I was hoping for a more exciting video, to be honest.