
I think you're spot on! Your question makes me wonder why manufacturers even put in the lower powered and high powdered ports...

Can someone post actual statistics of the likelihood of electronics being damaged by surges? I have not used surge protectors for around 10 years and own on average around 20 electronic devices at any given time. And I don't think I've had anything damaged by surges. Looking at the prices of the devices on this post,

Heh. For my PhD research we built a magnetic trap out of 140kg of neodymium (iron boron) magnets. Fingers and appendages were very close to being lost on many occasions. I was working with an undergrad at one stage and I strictly told her to keep those stainless steel scissors well away from the magnets. A few moments

You're spot on. But this is precisely what Jason says in the article, and you are just repeating it. Are you trying to build myelination?

The more important question is: did they fix the screen dimming problem on iOS. It's driving me insane! I'm use google maps to find where I want to go, and then copy and pasting the address across to Apple maps just to avoid this. It's very cumbersome!

PhD physicist here. Your two pictures are disingenuous. On the left, with the TP over, since the roll is free to rotate, when you apply a force (i.e. pull), this force will still end up being transverse to the perforated line so one gets the same "rip" effect as you depict in the picture of the right.

Girls will start to distort their heads to the "duckhead" connector's shape for their profile pics any minute now....

Sarcasm missed.

You win the internet today. Congratulations!

Fast enough for torrents?

That's the setup I have right now. You don't have to have it as high as in the image. If your main screen is a laptop like mine, you won't even need to mount the 2nd monitor to the wall. This makes the setup easier to implement. What I like most about this setup is that windows do not break across two screens, which

It's not THAT expensive. There are huge waste costs associated with cooking for 1. And the service is tailored for cities like NYC where groceries are pretty darn expensive. If you did 14 meals per week, at an average of $10 per plate, then it really isn't that expensive. It all depends on your situation.

Is that a NIM module underneath the Macbook Pro? Physicist? :-)

Will the Lifehacker staff teach us how to get free drinks at the bar? :-P

Thanks for sharing. Are you saying the only difference has been the improved quality (i take it to mean increased moisture levels) of your hair? Did you notice anything else? As I said in my original comment, I cut mine very often so maybe it won't matter for me.

Thank you! Another response to my question provided a reasonable mechanism of how these chemicals—which are indeed harmful when consumed in large quantities orally—could possibly enter via the scalp or pores of our skin. However, to establish it as a problem scientifically, one also needs to provide epidemiological

Thanks! If it's really the scalp then I can see how that can be problem. I've tried using sulfide-free stuff of my mum, but I'm just so use to the bubbles! *brain washed*

Why are sulfides and ammonia bad for your hair (and skin) if it's not ingested? I want to hear something beyond: "chemicals are bad, mmmkay....". I cut my hair every 4-5 weeks, so that no same section of hair reminds on my head for more than 2 months. Do I need to worry about the damage?