
You should try watching his new show, “Episodes” in which he plays a hilarious (mostly?) exaggerated version of himself.

When it comes to Thermite:

Yeah thanks for ruining the 3/4 view of the 930 cabriolet. Thanks for nothing!!

I was wondering the same thing while reading the article. I would guess that the Secretary of Defense (Ash Carter) is probably the one rubber stamping these types of exercises, with the president receiving a briefing.

I challenge Mark to fuck off. Ready....set....GO!

Yes! I loved the P30 at first grip and immediately got one chambered in 9mm to compliment my .40 S&W P2000 V3. I don’t have terribly large hands and nothing feels as good to me as an HK.

What if you live in a rural area and can walk into an AT&T store at 8am with no lines and walk out 15 minutes later with a new 6s? (Because that’s what I did this morning.)

Totally agree. Different strokes for different folks, but speaking as a 2-door GTI owner I would never purchase a 4-door model......unless it was an actual wagon.

It’s so we can estimate what the approach angle (and departure angle on the other picture) is. I’m too lazy to pull out a protractor to see what it is, but it looks like 45° or so.

Indeed. My cousin and his wife bought a ‘15 Sienna and the tranny failed less than two weeks after purchase. The dealer replaced it with a new transmission.

Came here to post the same thing. With a quick glance, that 3/4 view looks like an 8th gen civic coupe.

My brother got me a driving experience from this company in a Ferrari 458 at New Hampshire Motor Speedway last year for my birthday. This is not a true HPDE, or racing school. It’s more of an, “I got to drive an exotic car around a racetrack at slightly higher than highway speed” type of event. All the vehicles have

You cook with whiskey? I want to come to one of your dinner parties!

I started using Handbrake years ago to encode DVDs at ~800MB-1GB/ movie. Then, Blu-Ray comes along at those encodes jump in size to ~4GB 720p. Storage starts to become cheaper, so I start encoding in 1080p and file size creeps to 10-15GB. Eventually, I get a proper surround sound setup and retain DTS HD MA tracks

I try to have as few tabs open as possible, lest I awaken the OCD beast lurking within me. More than 5 open and "it" starts to grumble. More than 10 and the urge to close them becomes too great to ignore.

One of the few styles that can get better with age. Believe it or not, there are actually beer auctions from time to time. The prices aren't into the stratosphere like those for wine or scotch, but old bottles from historic breweries can fetch over $1000. A local bar owner paid $1400 for a '90s vintage Cantillon

Drie Fonteinen is awesome. Crappy iPhone shot of a very old bottle we cracked open over the summer. (My brother-in-law is a craft beer salesman, which is incredible to the Nth degree).

Gose is usually more salty than sour. A gueze (and their lambic progenitors) has that wonderful sourness. Both excellent styles!

I live in Massachusetts—let's not get carried away.