
10% sales tax, 9.3% income tax, earthquakes, wildfires, massive drought. I'll take 3 months of snow thank you very much.

Fun fact: Americium-241 was used in older smoke detectors. The emitted alpha particles ionized gas in the detector, generating a small electric current. During a fire, smoke entering the ionization chamber would interfere with the current, setting off the alarm.

It's a period piece that takes place in the DC Metro area, circa early 1980s.

Anything but Blu-ray .iso's and gapless audio. (My last remaining gripes with Plex; otherwise, it's perfect.)

Fellow Jalops will get the joke.

Indestructible Hilux could've been a little closer to the top of the heap, but otherwise a pretty decent list.

That's as far as the seats fold down in my GTI. Always wished they could go truly flat.

Hey—it put Ogdenville, Brockway, and North Haverbrook on the map!

I'm guessing you haven't been to a live sporting event recently. They're exceedingly popular there.

There was an episode of 'American Masters' on PBS last year that detailed the Eames duo. Highly recommended.

This. The stock clutch on my MKV GTI (with 114k on the clock, and over 300whp) is so much lighter than the one on my friend's '08 Outback. I drove that thing 8 hours from Buffalo once and thought I was going to crack my femur.

The first sentence uses the phrase 'newest cinematic aberration,' as though this was a deviation from the norm for a Michael Bay film. A more appropriate phrase may have been, 'latest cinematic abortion.'

Love the mention of the F-15C's from my hometown 104th Fighter Wing! The runway for these aircraft runs perpendicular to the Massachusetts turnpike; on several occasions I've had the good fortune of driving directly beneath them during takeoff/landing. It's always amazing (not to mention distracting) to experience

Will the upcoming SCG003 be based on a Ferrari motor, or have you totally parted ways with Scuderia Ferrari?

Agreed. I really hope that iOS8 eventually gets a Dark Mode like Yosemite. Currently, the Music app is unusable at night on the iPad.

Yo dawg I heard you like GIFs. So we put a GIF in your GIF so can GIF while you....::brain aneurism::

The mail is still delivered by Jeep in my neck of the woods. Specifically, a right-hand drive XJ Cherokee. Beats the hell out of an LLV when there's a foot of snow on the ground.

Fast, or fastest?