
When you are in mourning, you do not know when you have overstepped some invisible boundary set by someone to say your sadness is Too Much, that you are just looking for sympathy, that you are asking for attention, that perhaps, you have not lost as much as another person whose loss is much more tragic and you do not

This is adorable and giving me flashbacks to my own Girl Scout days, freaking each other out with scary stories on camping trips.

My grandmother and my aunt were visiting a western-themed museum together and there’s a small display of a bed that one of the miners or stagecoach drivers or whatever would sleep in. The guide told them that the museum had a ghost who would often sleep in the bed; they’d find a dent in the pillow from his head in the

I wonder how many childhood ghost stories are some older relative not fessing up to a prank.

My dad grew up with superstitious neighbors and they were terrified of lechuzas. Witches who turn into owls. They tied this beautiful poor owl to a fence and said “in the morning it’ll turn back into a witch and she’ll die from the wires tied around her!” My dad loves owls (in his tribe they are his animal). He snuck

I come from a big family and my youngest sibling is five years younger than the next oldest, and eight years younger than me.

You’re a bad person.

Those toys will follow you home...

I would totally do this to my kids. I once convinced them if they walked under the dead deer at a steak house the ghost would follow them home.

You are evil. I love you.

When we were kids, my sister and I watched “Now and Then” with our neighbor friends. We were 4 girls between the ages of 9 and 13 - I was the youngest. Despite my mom’s religious upbringing and banning of Ouija boards and anything else that could be considered Satanic, the movie exposed us to the concept of a seance.


You did kind of have it coming.

I love this

I finally found this thread early early enough to *maybe* not be totally buried! The most intensely creepy thing that’s ever happened to me is also the most oddly beautiful.

Whatever happens, it probably won’t be good for women...

About 20 years ago my wife and I were shopping for a used station wagon. One of the important aspects was that it had to fit our tandem bicycle with the backseats down. One day we were looking at a used German wagon and I folded the backseats down to measure the cargo area. Flipping the seats forward, I found an

A little surprised by the inclusion of Justin Theroux and Drake.

That sucks. Michigan has some beautiful wild spaces. I grew up in Ohio and spent a decent amount of time hiking and camping up in MI when I was younger.

I don’t want to know how many Americans found this on accident by Googling “Kaepernick Lynch.”