None to be exact. They just had that gif issue a while back, so i figured links weren't allowed in some cases. I don't know exactly why that thought hit me :P
None to be exact. They just had that gif issue a while back, so i figured links weren't allowed in some cases. I don't know exactly why that thought hit me :P
Yeah sorry i'll edit it in, i was sort of unsure if i could do that, if the comment would be accepted with the new rules an all.
Have you heard that Ubi is locking it at 900p, 30fps on both console to avoid any flame wars - they literally made the PS4 version inferior to make Xbox One fanboys happy.
The game is ridiculously atmospheric! I really like it, although i feel some of the puzzles are kind of annoying. Not the actual puzzles, but the varying difficulty.
It's true that our technological advancements require one self to research and evolve, but what's also true is, that we need to live in a world where our advancements doesn't compromise with our ability to live safely and without any fears. Certainly not a fear of this.
That's beside the point. There's a huge difference between having some random kid literally stealing from you, and having your own kid - a kid you raised and there by consider rational - to have hands at your credit card because you trust in them, and to then violate that because they aren't aware of the consequences…
I never in a million years made such irrational claims. In fact i very much state the same, if you were willing to read and absorb what i wrote.
You say that now, but just wait. There will come a day when your kid does something you thought they never would. Their simply pushing limit. And like i said, if their not met with consequences, it will usually result in something much worse than expected.
Listen man... There has to be a limit to this sort of shit. I'm confident the kid knew what the hell he was doing, but at that age, once you cross the line and nobody comes after you right away, well then things can turn quite grim... This practice, this "freemium" stuff, it has to be controlled by law, because…
Trying to play The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, but it seems to freeze on me..
Honestly... I had this and the DS at the same time. Probably the two greatest gaming devices ever made. Hours and hours of fun!
I actually played it a couple of weeks ago. Seems Nintendo is spreading out their releases which makes good sense. It's a hell of a game. Get excited. It's probably the greatest action game i've personally played for a while. I picked up Vanquish afterwards, because i needed more of that Platinum goodness hehe.
Local co-op is sort of a joke due to the massive fall in resolution. It's horrendeous, though it work as intended, so if you can ignore it.. I couldn't. That said, the game has an underlying strategic dimension that makes itself very appearent on the harder difficulty settings. I absolutely enjoyed the 20 hours I…
Yeah i think it sold like 2 million or something, but i don't think it sold as expected, which is the point.
Hyrule Warriors Master Quest (October 16th)
You find Wipeout to be tighter!? O.O
Yes one could argue that, but why bet on a game that wasn't very popular? And this was well before the Wii U was confirmed a failure in terms of sales. It was just a very, very odd choice.
Nope. The IP rights belonged to SEGA :) That's why the idea of Bayonetta 2 was shut down so quickly.