
Oh yeah. Well like i said to him, i don't disagree. And like i wrote in my long comment: we can argue what's good and bad art, what we ourselves consider to be art, but i have no interest in defining art - i think it's a matter of opinion. Such a debate is a waste of time.

I have played Shadow of the Colossus and i definitely loved it! I think world design and artstyle is terrific! But it didn't do anything special for me. The story was nice and discrete, but not very original... The whole "maybe you're the real monster"-thing was nice though. It impressed me as a game, but that's it :)

Oh God Microsoft you just don't get it do you...

Jontron. Funny guy from YouTube! Kind of over-the-top, but he's actually a decent actor so his stuff isn't cringe-worthy. He's another one of those guys who were inspired by Angry Video Game Nerd, but he totally stands on his own! Check him out! My favorite episode is his review of the Bubsy-series!

Maybe. But i have played a lot of games that are considered art by the community. They just don't come off as the sort of art to me. Not the kind i like anyway. They come off as shallow experiences or parodies of art. Of course i can enjoy them, just not with the art-goggles on that is! :)

I have no intentions of disagreeing with you, but i wish you would simply understand that I wasn't trying to define art like you are at the present moment. I simply stated why I consider Journey to be art - what elements draw me towards it in that sense :) Initially i wanted to make it clear that i had no interest in

I strongly disagree. Your argument sort of baffles me too, as if minimalism and abstraction are two foreign elements within art. I do however see your point, you simply disagree and do so with passion it seems :) To start out your answer with, "That's not art" goes to show how defined art is to you. Maybe i'm just

Journey is the only game i truly consider to be art. It didn't shove anything down my throat or tell me how to feel. It just worked and left me baffled by it's beauty and symbolism.

Beautiful game, but it doesn't look like it poses much of a challenge. Cinematic experience i guess :)

Works now ! And wauw! I'm impressed!

Utter bullshit. I can't believe Square would actually shoot themselves in the foot like this. It could quickly turn Tomb Raider irrelevant to a great deal of gamers. Utterly stupid.

Video is private, can't watch it.

"I know we've done it since forever, but this time around it's just too hard" - EA non-answer

When I presented my son with the yokai watch, I asked him what he was going to do with the papercraft he made. "Oh, I'll keep it in case this one breaks."

This is so impressive, but i know it's just PR-BS. Everyone knows that the gaming industry lies left and right to sell their products. This will be downgraded. Sorry for the pessimism, but honestly who trusts these big publishers anymore


Kids are like "Dafuq is this lady on about? Do i get candy after this? Where's mom!?"

I fucking hate cancer...

What if you're not in the mood for a racing game? What if, say, you want to rent a nice meaty RPG? You could try Deus Ex: Revolution, which comes in at $29.99 for 90 days, $14.99 for 30 days, $6.99 for seven days, and $4.99 for four hours.