
The "dude comparison" stops here.

What's Minecraft?

The losers must commit to seppuku; this is the way of the brawler

If you think this looks ugly, you're blind or batshit crazy.

How can one man juggle 3 projects - 3 Nintendo projects let alone!? What's Miyamoto made of!?

This year's E3 has been so packed full of games. I was in awe when i saw the new Zelda, and i think it's worth noting that i've never been much of a fan of the series. Been complaining about the style can go back to their gritty worlds of, well, so many other games out there! Zelda isn't suppose to be Dark Souls

A little rough animation-wise, but i like the brawler-orientered combat. It looks alright, nothing special, but i'll definititely give it a shot!

There are a lot of cool trailers here, but I'm probably most excited for Cuphead, the game styled after 1930's animation:

Neogaf is raging hard, it's so hilarious. Honestly, i didn't expect a Conker game at all. Why would you think it was coming anyway? Knowing how creative people can be, something like this and Project Spark can really turn into something crazy good.. But no, better to be pissed off all the time.

I'm not a fan of the dorito pope, but the man knows how to keep up the pace. It's actually entertaining. Not Joel McHale-entertaining", but i can watch it.

So... I hear Nintendo's Digital Event is going to be approximately 30 min long. Knowing how they are going to shove more Bayonetta, X, Smash and Hyrule Warriors down our throats, how are people feeling about this incredibly short time slot? I'm sort of sitting in the corner refusing to shed a tear, but if it's gonna

I'm at home! No just kidding... I'm right behind you!

But dude... Christopher Lambert's acting..! And Goro's roar. Unforgettably stupid. Nah, loving that movie is no sin... In fact i think everyone should do themselves a favor and watch it with friends! And beer! Lots of beer!


Watching the first Mortal Kombat movie is a christmas tradition in my home. At least for my brother and i. It's so horrible, yet somehow amazing beyond belief!

This sort of journalism is pathetic. Even if it turns out to be true, you shouldn't fucking report something that's not capable of being properly confirmed.

Stay away from the roids..

Can i actually make a game or level, and not just some weird square-level with cars and unfitting characters? It seems so chaotic.

Honestly i've long since acknowledged that this is an iOS-game dev now, and that titles like these are bonuses on the side. I mean fuck the people who actively buys their products through decades, am i right? /sarcasm

Not trying to pull shit here, so excuse my ignorance if that's the case, but couldn't this very well be the first sign of Iwata stepping down? As far as i'm aware, it's incredibly humiliating in Japanese culture, to step down from such a highly regarded position - a lot more so than in the west. This would be a nice