
Stop underrating it.

I hope you meant horrific as in you were horrified at the amount of misogyny in video game culture that her videos described.

such a terrible movie.

what are you talking about Breath of Fire 5 was a really interesting departure for the series.

I'm speechless. This is unbelievable. How many more RPG franchises are going to be run into the ground by the Japanese corporations behind them?

What even.


Cliffy B in "brown gritty shooter" non-shocker

Hands down the best TD game there is.

"or that Zelda is even come close to Skyrim"

Looks like a slice from what people have been saying on Phil Fish's twitter feed for the last day(and previous few years).

Have fun in your pathetic internet lynching mob. I will take absolutely no part in the stupidity of it, thanks.

That's better. But, hey, get this:

Please give examples of what makes Phil Fish deserve this continual public harassment. I have been following a lot of the media in the indie scene including a lot of criticism levelled at Fish, and not once did it seem like Fish deserved it. He is a dramatic personality, with statements like cancelling Fez2, saying he

Because he was totally a dick to you. Or 99% of the people who give him shit. Most people hate him because other people hate him, and have absolutely no idea why they do it in the first place.

I agree. Fish has taken an undue amount of shit for things that, honestly, were blown out of proportion. I am not familiar with Mr. Beer, but he sounds like a horrible person to be jumping down people's throats like this.

If you read any article that ever mentions Fish, commenters and professionals alike constantly criticize him, often with personal insults and attacks. Yes, Fish is quite unprofessional and can be whiny at times, but he has had a sustained hatred aimed at him from a lot of people in the gaming community. It's

He deals with people treating him like shit all the time. Of course he will eventually, and easily mind you, reach his boiling point.