
YouTube has a minimum video length requirement. It wouldn't be uploadable.

It would be such a short video, though.

Did someone say "Best Video Game Superhero"?

>Best Superhero

Thank you Based God.

Think anybody gave a shit about his opinion.

Stand in the middle of the road and ask passersby how the world was made and try to hand them get out of hell free cards?

Clearly he means Megas XLR.

Eh, easily not so much. It's debateable but i prefer X2. It's more of a X-Men movie and less of a made up origin story. I do like First Class a great deal mind you, I just don't think it's the best "X-men" movie.

One kid makes a tasteless joke and is sent to jail while these kids make death threats and everyone brushes it off. Makes sense..

It's not "lap dogging", it's being a fucking decent human being. You want your life to change? You want people to like you? You do something about it. You don't blame your hobbies or interests for other people not liking you. Yeah, a lot of the people that harassed me were ignorant fucks too, but you know what? They

Here's a hint: you probably weren't picked on for liking video games. There were probably some other factors involved.

Also, I'm not sure if you were aware of this, but every woman is not an outlet for your leftover insecurities from high school. Get over it and learn to treat other people as people.

I still hear excuses. If you wanted friends badly enough, you would have gotten them. I made friends with some of the biggest assholes on the face of the planet who would push me around, steal my shit, and verbally harass me every single day. I had girls who would tell me that no one would ever date me because all I

Yeah, I was shit on by girls in my teen years too. I was also shit on by guys, for the same reason. It doesn't give me (or you) the right to shit on anybody else now, especially since we're (presumably) adults.

*according to self pitying guys on the internet.

No there isn't. Maybe you just weren't likable.

That is quite possibly the stupidest picture I have ever seen in my life

Yeah because non-standard identities should be erased and everybody should just fall under the same category! /s

Where did you get this news from? Sony, nope. I know Microsoft did so with Nintendo. That has actually been proven.

can you really follow up "in all seriousness" with a crock of shit?