
I was a full on smoker in my early 20’s and it tapered off towards my 30’s. When I found out I was pregnant at 31, I was smoking maybe 1 cigarette a week. After that positive pregnancy test, I haven’t smoked one since and that was 1.5 years ago now. I don’t miss it, except when I do. But not even enough to consider

I just wanted to know if Kitty divorced him or if they both suffered with false lives till they died.

Thank you! That’s pretty much all I needed to hear :)

So me and my boyfriend and our daughter are moving back to our hometown because he has been transferred. We have been living about an 8 hour drive away for 4 years (him even longer). Moving back means we are going to be in the same place as both of our families and the majority of our friends. Sounds great, but I am

You look happy and confident and cute as hell! I havent worn shorts (in public) in years and you may have inspired me!

That’s really cute! I am going to try this on myself and my 8 month old.

Hugs!! So sorry to hear that. I can feel your heartbreak from here. I hope you get some comfort from the years you had together and I hope those good feelings can slowly and surely swallow up your grief. But for now, feel all the feels, cry as much as you need to! I have 2 dogs and the thought of their lives ending

I feel like I have an in into romance novels! I'm home, romance novel crowd!

Nope, I’m Canadian and I will gladly and robustly mock Tim Horton’s at the drop of a moose antler.

This story is the reason for this week’s theme. My heart has burst from a love explosion!

Haha, you’re right! If I hadn’t served this couple coffee many times before I may have had reservations, but they probably offered me poutine or something.

I believe she had had a night out, put her phone on silent and slept through the alarm!

I used to work at Starbucks, most often opening with a supervisor. One cold winter Canadian morning, I arrive to open and my supervisor is not there. I wait a little then call her, repeatedly, with no answer. Now I only live about 3 blocks away, so I could walk home, but I don’t want to be accused of leaving or not

I guess we did a version of sleep training with my daughter and by about 2 months she was sleeping 12 hours with 1 wake up a night. She, from her first night home, sleeps in her crib in her room, alone. (The looks we got from people when we admitted that suggested I had stated we were going to lock her in a cage.) Now

My first job ever was working at the 24-hour restaurant in my teensy Alberta hometown and I was 15. This restaurant was attached to a hotel. My boss was a crusty leather handbag of a woman we'll all call Sally. Sally owned the hotel and restaurant and actually lived on premises I the hotel. Sally was king-sized

I just... I can't... Did this person dress herself??

Looked under the middle row seat and found a POUND OF HAMBURGER?! jammed underneath, with an expiration date of about 3 months prior. With live maggots protruding out of the packaging. She actually tried to get insurance to cover checkout time and a full interior detail for that. From what I remember her insurance

She no longer smiles- she grimaces. It's like when you tell a little kid to smile and they give you this weird approximation of a smile with teeth bared.

I LOVE Center Stage!! That movie was made for "Showgirls" level quoting! It's all gold. Whenever I saw Amanda Schull on Suits all I could think of was why did Jody become a lawyer?!

I faked it for 3 whole YEARS with someone. He thought he was some sort of sex champion, but I was just very good at mimicking real orgasms. You gotta add movements to the sounds! (I always got myself off after, so I wasn't missing out at least.) a few years after we were done, he was still on about our "crazy