If microshit would just release the games On pc and support multiplayer... I’d happily buy them. Halo 2 was my all time favorite fps game and they killed it to push xbone sales. Twits
If microshit would just release the games On pc and support multiplayer... I’d happily buy them. Halo 2 was my all time favorite fps game and they killed it to push xbone sales. Twits
couple years old.... bit I'd go with "NONE SHALL PASS!"
"Well, for starters, all of these movies are legal rips of my own Blu-Ray collection. "
This is really cool, good article man!
Adding cream cheese to the mix also gives a more fluffy texture, and a taste that will blow your mind.
Last line of the Article is "Go Dodgers" because LA is a magical land known for racial harmony.
ohhh Bruce Wayne, don't act like you don't already have pallets of iphone sixes... you rich cunning bastard.
ohhh Bruce Wayne, don't act like you don't already have pallets of iphone sixes... you rich cunning bastard.
Meh my 6+, errrm galaxy note 2 is doing just fine without a case. Thank you.
Meh my 6+, errrm galaxy note 2 is doing just fine without a case. Thank you.
Problem: facebook is really annoying in many different ways.
A friend of mine, a few years ago.. his primary job would only pay his bills. he had zero extra money, and didn't have cable or internet etc etc.
I have had my wife write down a list of wants.. then we each separately and without the other around.. marked each item on a 1-10 scale.. Then we were able to start figuring out what "want" we wanted to start saving for. It was fairly easy because our scaling was very similar..
I'm kind of mad Fiji Apples are not on the list, god those are amazing. And on the topic of peeling apples, this guy is the hitler of apples.
Movie could be good, Not going to expect it to be good... but I hope I am surprised. How about this though, How about a TMNT movie that actually follows the cartoon? And yea, those turtles look like little hulks, with shells of course.
Back up to the internet (recommended) with a program like Crashplan or Backblaze. This is preferred. It's very easy to set up, and ensures that your data is kept safe even if your house catches fire or gets burgled.
Even if Murcia could build that tank for under 1000$... somehow the bill would be passed onto the tax payers around 1.5 million each. 1200 dollar hammers and all. Government contracts are a license to steal.
I will bring it a step further and say where the shit is my chromecast support?