
Yup, even without the discounts and free shipping.. the ability to shop/fap at the same time is nearly priceless.

Even still its worth it. I'm not happy about it, but during the christmas rush.. Between the prime discounts and free shipping I'm sure to save over 100$.

None of these things are as good as the thing below.

" An enlarged or heavier then usual testicle"


One of the most valuable pieces of advice my former boss gave me was that " I don't know " is an answer, it is a perfectly acceptable answer. Instead of sweating over things you don't know, or giving false information... just say that you don't know.

So, they took google's technology for unmanned driving and used it in a military setting. That is cool, however I saw zero transforming in this video.

Yea, in the real world... this stuff only results in black eyes.

Thanks for the link. Yea, I started looking around.. I am pretty sure all the features that made boxee great, will be scrubbed out of existence.

Its funny to see everyone so excited about this. My boxee box has been doing this forever. I like netflix, but I end up just keep scrolling thru movies forever... Never watch much on there

and that spiffy wireless g router lol

I completely agree. My point was this, With what I make I get taxed out of nearly half my income. I pay a mortgage, and my internet bill and drive a car thats 14 years old... Can't save a dime.

" I do live in a Red state and our state government embezzles more than it spends on taking care of its people. So there's that" - This is amazing statement... Greedy cocks, all of them.

a family of 3 gets around 1100 a month for food.... I'm not on any assistance, and we spend about 300 a month in my family... so yea... they get by lol.

As part of the working poor, this makes me sick. I make a modest 50k a year(a lot to some, not much to others). However after my taxes, I bring home.... 30k. Think about that for a minute.

Good thought exercise. I think evil exists, Looks at the news... What people do to kids. That IMO is evil. Now, with that being said, I'm not like Bobby Bouchers mom (waterboy).... But the real discussion, is at what point does something move from Bad to Evil. I guess we all have a sliding scale of sorts. Most of us

The times are changing... but Ron Burgundy never heard that song.

Yea, those things can be crushed in your hands lol. My last thing was an HDMI switch, I banged it on the floor then I just threw it into the woods behind my house. To never be seen again.

Ortiz is not playing in tonight's game. A lack of fresh babies to eat for breakfast has sent him on a rampage in downtown st.louis. He was last seen headed towards an orphanage located on I-70. The building has been evacuated, and the mayor is attempting to find a solution to slow Ortiz. I hear they are attempting to

How exactly are they enforcing this.. I mean, specifically how do they know your texting? Seems like, I was just ending or ignoring a phone call would be a pretty viable excuse.