
When my parents were married, we led a very isolated life because my father was controlling and believed that a nuclear family with an isolated wife was ideal. After the divorce, suddenly my mother, sister and I were surrounded by loving family members, rich culture, fun traditions & happy holidays. My childhood was

Points for accusations of "whining" and hysteria about child support. I like the way you have worked in the turkey baster. Excellent use of vintage anti-feminist imagery!

"You girls crack me up." Ew, gross, go away.

"...no one is entitled to have a child simply by right of their existence."

Saying you had a shitty dad who molested you = misandry? If you have to reach that far, your problem doesn't really exist.

Well, that Jesus guy wasn't raised by his real dad and you know what happened to him. Teenage hooliganism - I heard he threw over a bunch of tables at the temple - and then arrested and executed.

the optimal environment for the emotional and spiritual development of children is to be with two married parents of the opposite sex to whom they are biologically related

I was a nurse for ten years, and never hurt someone extra because I didn't like them. That's so fucking not okay. It's not like she wronged you, hurt you, stole from you, or anything. She was just a bit off. Totally unprofessional.

I would never pretend that I can psychologically understand the black experience in America, or any specific aspect of it. I was simply acknowledging that photography itself has problems capturing skin tones outside of a narrow spectrum of skin tones, including those that are lighter than "normal." And when I am

This is one of my best serving stories in my eight years serving and bartending, because it resulted in legal action.

Blockbuster was my very first job. The first customer I took care of out of training, I asked him for his card like a good little soldier. He hands it to me, I pull up the account. "Oh, I'm sorry sir, you have $27.35 in late fees." He nods vigorously, then picks up his backpack and drops it on the counter. The sound

I know someone who is diabetic, and finally things got kind of bad and her doctor gave her a pamphlet with some dietary guidelines to follow. It was the usual stuff like, whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean protein, etc, but at the end was an admonishment in all caps - "NO RANCH DRESSING!!!!!"

You cannot escape Beyonce. Beyonce is everywhere. Beyonce is all around us.

Someone will. You watch. Someone will explain that the employees were at fault in these situations.

No. I'm hearing and speaking impaired. I've been involved in the community for most of my life. These people are assholes for complaining.

I didn't say she intentionally duped him, just that she did. Her mental illness is severe, obviously. But the fact is that it has had repercussions outside herself and her own well-being, and that makes it a story outside "woman is mentally ill," which you're right, would be a non-story. Even pseudocyesis alone

Around here at least, a few bartenders refuse to serve pregnant women. I needed to walk around a lot during my last few months of pregnancy and would often offer to go to the bar and pick up the drinks when we were out just as an excuse to get up for a second. I got told by a few different bartenders they wouldn't


"'Is the Rockfish a fish?'

It wasn't really an ice cream cone I was imagining him eating, so, confirmed.