
Where does it say he was officially held responsible? All I see is "allegations". Anyone can alledge anything, anytime, doesn't have to be true.

I'm not confused at all. No one knows if this guy was formally disciplined or found responsible by the school. No one knows if any of these guys were.

No where does this say the staffer was charged with any crime. This is complete bull honestly. Anyone (man or woman, but be real, no one would take a guy with rape allegations seriously) with a chip on their shoulder can ruin anyone else's career, relationship, or life by pulling this shit.

I should also have said extreme feminists and not grouped a mostly good willed group of people with radicals. Sorry

Maybe feminists and I share more views in common than previously thought...lol

no, you fucking don't. I didn't say anything about fair pay. Fair pay should be so painfully obvious by now. It's sad it isn't. I am saying some people take a right like body autonomy, and take to extremes and throw it in peoples faces. They base extreme views off of it.

You have no idea how I "feel" about women.

I don't need to handle being "called out". The burden isn't on me to defend my opinion here. It's just an opinion, and obviously not a popular one here. It just seems any woman can say or do any stupid thing and get a free pass in the name of feminism or "my body". When woman see dumb things and don't call other

you need a fucking hug. I sorry pregnancy and motherhood was such a downer.

I never said I have a say in it. There are plenty of things I disagree with that I have no say in, trust me.

I would love this to be a bulk response to every hateful, hurtful comment (which is cool because I was a little flip with my language, my bad).

Your right I will never get that privilege. The fact that you say "something" instead of "someone" scares me. I hope your SO if you have one knows your disregard for life.

I am wide awake, thank you, and since it is my opinion and not anyone else's, there will be lots of referencing myself. I wouldn't call my language violent, but how much bravado that woman has in the face of what is murder no matter how you justify is sickening.

I honestly hope your pregnancy continues to go well. I realize my opinion won't be a popular one here. I'm not trying to be sanctimonius. They are just honest feelings. Feelings I honestly didn't even have before last week.

First of all. Shut the fuck up. Yes, she did a ton of hard work. More than I ever could. After a hard c-section, I havn't missed a diaper, a feeding, or been away from my baby for more than 2 fucking minutes, nor do I ever plan to. I've got plenty of hard work coming and I'm not about to shirk my responsibility for

Just having a baby a few days ago ,(my wife, not me) my guy reaction is to smack this woman in the face. I understand autonomy and all the other words femenists or selfish/lazy people use, and it still doesn't make sense. Have the baby. Put it up for mother fucking adoption you selfish moron. Give someone who can't


Suuuuper fake. You don't have consistent letter sizing and the ability to write on a line before you can spell "get". Maybe you do. I'm no expert but I'm calling bullshit.

The GOP is fucked, plain and simple.

there is no need to waffle around; this is the best comment, ever.