Maybe they should make a film about Sith Lords getting stuck in a shopping center on Coruscant. I personally would love to see Maulrats.
Maybe they should make a film about Sith Lords getting stuck in a shopping center on Coruscant. I personally would love to see Maulrats.
Even automatics need (instruction) manuals.
His name? David Traski
Surprise! The Golden Master build of iOS 11 leaked online Friday night, with users spreading links to the software…
They did _exactly_ that. But with enhanced shadiness. A) you have to give up the randomized part of your SS number online to find out if you’ve been affected... B) you give up your right to sue them for anything that happens as a result of the breach. Wait for some other way to find out.
Mayweather’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this to him.
Agreed. It’s not only a stupid idea for a movie, giving the Joker ANY kind of backstory just ruins who he is.
Nobody in their right mind would lend Paypal 1.1 million at 0% interest...I’d wager anything it’s a crappy trolling photoshop job.
Trump has always been a vicious bigot. Read about what he did to Roy Cohn, the evil bastard that many people have described as Trump’s only true friend, when he found out Cohn had HIV.
... going to suck my quad lock platform isn’t going to work anymore. :(
Finally, Pakistan is now Sans Sharif.
I really like the cars and coffee edition
Came here to make this joke, but you beat me to it...
That was also true of 1080p for PS3. There’s just less content to render, so the resolution can go up.
Rimac Concept Well Done?
Jersey Class Mike’s
Let this mustachioed dad teach you the wonders of the drag Maxima
How about the Renault Don’t Trust the Bitch in apartment 3.
You know it wasn’t a Mustang because it turned away from the pedestrians.