
That's the main difference between the two. Marvel gets it. WB doesn't.

MARVEL CAME AND SHOWED OUT. They know how to do it. They all for the fans. Wow.


Nepotism at it's finest it it's true.

Tumblr is on HIGH ALERT!

He is the dick.

Is it me or is Andy looking kinda... hot.

The Clintasha stans are LIVID. I love it.

No that's actress Claudia Kim.

I actually like it. Someone said that when he runs it's like his "rippling through time" something to that effect.

I was so pissed because Feige kept saying they were going to touch on Widows past with Bucky in CA:TWS and when the movie came it was just so ugh. I was happy they did cross paths but that's literally all they did... cross paths. Not even a flashback either. I would love nothing more than a Widow/Winter Soldier film.

I saw it. I meant missed opportunity as in having her play Wonder Woman. She would have been great. The writing was TRASH. The show being run by those show runners was a dodged bullet. If they had good show runners and a great script it would have been great.

We can dream but I doubt it's going to happen.

Oh God it looks like Black Widow is face to face with Ultron. Please don't let her die. Please don't let her die. Please don't let her die.

Yes. They said that her past will be more delved into in this one. I can't WAIT!!

This is so true. I have seen in a couple of other things and always thought "why isn't she a bigger star?". The doubts I had were mainly for how the show would handle the character but they did her justice. That and Adrianne amplifying it to 100 so that was great.

Lord don't get me started on that missed opportunity.

I also do NOT want Raina to die. I love her.

How good was Adrianne as Bobbi though! I'm going to admit I had some real low expectations but boy did she prove me wrong. I instantly fell in love. I loved this episode. I had to watch it a second time to let everything sink in.

I hate you so much.