
I’m HOPING he does exactly that. I live in Indiana and Pence is a competent administrator and very level headed. Disagree with him on policy if you want, and there are some legitimate areas of concern there, but he won’t read a derogatory tweet and reach for the nuclear football.

Nothing too bad; I had a flight return to the airport once because the nose wheel door came open and wouldn’t close. I didn’t know that at the time of course because it was deafening loud in the cabin and we couldn’t hear the announcement. So we knew something was wrong but not what. Got back on the ground, got a

Perhaps the redesigned front somehow enhances pedestrian safety.

It wasn’t a total disaster but compared to the muscle car era that had more or less just ended it seemed like a letdown.

Maybe Kat will go check it out for you.

They imported it here as a competitor to the Chevette, which at the time was the best selling car in America. Ask me again if I miss the 80s.

I hate those.

If your lights and radio are working that means you have 50 or so amps coming out of a battery that’s probably rated for 600. You can run a radio on two AAs, that doesn’t mean they’ll turn your starter. I hear this at the shop probably once a week from people who need a battery. Get it load tested, almost any shop or

I’m from the original UT so I’m partial to a brighter orange, but even I admit that’s a fine looking car.

My first new vehicle was an 87 Toyota truck standard cab. (Yes I’m old). Didn’t think much of it at the time as they were common but man was that thing small. Amazing build quality though. Other than the rust issues of course. And stupid easy to work on.

I had to learn that song when I was in grade school way too many years ago. It’s old.

*raises hand* I volunteer for seat detail.

You are sadly correct. And everyone who voted for Trump thinking he can do that is in for a shock.

So, theaters in say March, VOD by April and Netflix by June 15 or so? Yeah call me then.

Depends. If he doesn’t do everything to Putin’s satisfaction he might not be allowed to run again.

I live in Indiana. It isn’t that bad. And people have to remember that if you’re over 40 that’s the country you grew up in. It doesn’t scare them.

They’d be an improvement over what we got.

People blamed Nixon more than the party. Yeah the GOP took a beating in the congressional mid term but Ford nearly got “re”-elected.

It’ll be a “toughened “ explorer. Shouldn’t be, it should be a legitimate wrangler competitor, but I’m not holding my breath. And it’ll be too big.

I had a favorite uncle who was a Toyota dealership tech when I was a kid in the 70s and 80s learning about cars. He told me to leave auto transmissions alone because they were full of BBs and those little springs from cheap ball point pens.