Well I’m being a little facetious but since if I recall from previous posts he got this engine not knowing its history maybe it's justified in this case. I'm a little too cautious about these having seen a few of them with overheating issues.
Well I’m being a little facetious but since if I recall from previous posts he got this engine not knowing its history maybe it's justified in this case. I'm a little too cautious about these having seen a few of them with overheating issues.
Head gasket. That's about it. But do it before it does you.
I don’t know how old you are, but I was around during the hostage crisis. And the Beirut bombing. These people do not wish us well and haven’t for a very long time. They’ve been behind terrorist attacks on our troops and our interests for decades. They should frankly be thankful we’ve never dealt with them the way…
Had one. 3.1. Not a bad car really, except the paint. Primer in those days was garbage.
Ok there are probably some big undisclosed conspiracies out there somewhere. But there are no extra terrestrial spacecraft, no Bigfoot and no Loch Ness monster. Everyone in civilization walks around with a camera (phone) in their possession all day long with the ability to instantly share anything with the entire…
And that gas goes bad after a while. Need to figure in the cost of a lot of Sta-Bil.
Yes, because never in the history of GM have Buick and Cadillac had big sedans on the market at the same time. This is beyond face palm stupid and a great example of why GM continues to lose market share.
Body control module took a dump if I had to take a guess.
Indiana here. I've sold a grand total of 1 complete set of winter tires in all the time I've been in the business. To an employee. With a Subaru.
You sound very knowledgeable. Pilot/aviator?
We have one that comes in the shop for scheduled maintenance. It's in great shape. Guy that owns it plans to fix everything he can and keep it as a DD.
I'd want simpler. Speedo, gas, maybe temp. Don't need a tach in an automatic. Maybe the time. What else can you do anything with while you're driving anyway? Then a big flashing red light if oil pressure drops.
Still pretty wide.
Well I’m a cord cutter so ESPN is dead to me now. I can get all the networks just fine OTA though. So a couple of questions;
Don't know why Ichan wants it, but Bridgestone wanted 800 stores that don't currently sell their tires and don't have their credit card. BS owns the bank that issues the cards and it's a profit center for them.
Never smoked but I do miss vent windows.
And what in the history of the USSR makes you think that could even be a remote possibility?
I'm from Knoxville so I had the same concerns. I took a civil defense class in the late 70s and the CD guy said they figured if the Reds were trying to knock us out then yes we'd be bombed. But if they were trying to soften us up for an invasion we would probably be spared so they could have TVA , Oak Ridge etc…
If they'd gotten the hatchback model they could've carried the tree inside. And the tree hanging out the back would have added structural rigidity.