Is this person going to be a regular writer here? If so, I am really, really pleased and interested.
Is this person going to be a regular writer here? If so, I am really, really pleased and interested.
This was one of the most intelligently written reviews/critiques of anything I've ever encountered on this site, and I hope we can look forward to more.
He does! After seeing the movie he still came to my friend's party the same night and watched me tell jokes.
This may be in line with your "comfortable with the uncomfortable", but one of the most important lessons I took away from the Army was "one foot in front of the other." The Army put me in situations where we'd have to march 50+ miles after a week or two on little food and being so exhausted that I literally had to…
One, I actually grew up extremely poor, so I don't have any class. Two, I don't wear thongs, I just wrote this piece about the phenomenon. Thanks for your insight!
His azz took the time to write an open letter about this, but as many women spoke about on twitter, you didn't take the time to write an open letter to Rick Ross. Or to any of the other misogynists in hip-hop. Hypocrite.
I had a couple issues of Playboy back in the day with Jenny McCarthy in them. She was certainly raising dicks back then.
From one of the first stories:
What? We have equal rights nows? Nobody told me!!!! I guess someone forgot to tell everyone else too, because at every meeting I had at work today I was still the only woman.
That doesn't really make me feel like a grownup. Just like my life is on repeat since I graduated from college with no way out of my crushing student debt.
I'm a grown-up (35) and still feel 13 inside. Adulthood has SUCKED thus far...
I feel a deep sadness for grown-ups who still feel like teenagers. That has to make being an adult frustrating as shit.
She could try working a 40 hour work week, living on $34,000 a year for a while. Bet she'd feel like a grown up then.
My mom teaches small children and occasionally uses a Count Von Count puppet (from Sesame Street) when working with math/numbers. She does the voice, the accent, the whole nine yards; the kids love it.
Jezzies, as a cisdude I conquered a fear today and bought skirts!
Rihanna DELIBERATELY showed skin to:
1) Counteract the idea that female nudity is obscene and worthy of censorship. When she got banned from instagram her response was to continue to push the envelope by uploading more tit pics. And when she finally deactivated she started flaunting her nips all over the place.
2) She…
I watched this with an open mind. I ended up not liking it. It definitely made me feel weird.
I find copious amounts of alcohol to be effective. This is not an effective solution for work, alas.
And sometimes women won't let me go to Jasper's birthday party because his parents let him watch R-rated movies even though I told women that I've already seen an R-rated movie before and I wasn't even scared. Gawd!
Oh how ridiculous. Should we start a list of the things women don't like about men? Here, I'll start. Here's one from my college days: