
You might be on to something- I'm a semi-priveleged white girl and I think Piper is an asshole.

Abusers have intense power. My abusive ex and I broke up over two years ago and I still love him and wish we could be together. As sick as that is. And lots of guys have tried to date me, but I never felt the obsessive love that I have for my ex, so I inadvertently made them all feel like how you feel now. Except I'm

I used to call my local crisis line a lot. It actually helped. I would cry a lot and tell my story and they would tell me to go for a walk and sometimes I would. But I did it a lot, calling the crisis line I mean, because it helped me. For 3.5 years I called whenever I felt insane, was alone, and couldn't cope. Now

Thank you!!!!! Hear hear.

I am an alcoholic. I have the fortune of having the foresight to know where this alcoholism would take me if I let it. So I don't. In one way I am lucky, but I am still an alcoholic. If I could, I would drink all day every day.

HAHAHAHAHA ya I got a psych major too and everyone thinks I'm just stupid. Plan to go to grad school IMMEDIATELY. At least that's my advice.

Dude get used to it. I'm 30 with no fucking clue STILL. Good luck.

Awwwww that's so sweet :) I was irritated with myself for not researching further but I also am kind of averse to reading about midwifery etc for some reason. Maybe because I'm childless. Lol!

You are totally right; however, I am a copy editor at heart and did not care about the accuracy of my definition. Thank you for correcting me.

Fine, you win.

ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL??? Please tell me you're just a comedian. If not, I ask you again: WHY ARE YOU ON JEZEBEL!!!!!!????

Are you for real or are all your comments just really fucking hilarious sarcasm?

get fucked. why are you on jezebel???

It's Erykah BADU, not BADOU; a doula is a midwife's assistant and it seems Badu manipulated the spelling of her last name as a tribute.

"I don't see the logic in the hate that a lot of overweight women have for thin women or women with nice figures."

Unfortunately, the reality is that our genetic composition largely dictates our figures, and many, many people will spend their entire lives working their asses off to lose weight and never reach their goals. And then there are people like me. I am 30 years old with the same body I had at 14, after a decade of

Tonight, I am drinking an Okanagan merlot and waiting for one of my three boyfriends to come over so we can stay up all night doing acid. I'm new to consensual non-monogamy, and so far, it rules!!!! Thanks for reading, and have a good night.

Dude seriously try deep breathing exercises, they really really help.

This shirt made my night...I have a similar one with a kitten...hooray for gigantic t-shirt renditions of adorable animals!!!!!!!! ������ Mark you seem amazingly cool.

Hear, hear! I agree with you 100%. While I believe that BC is a righteous invention with many positive outcomes, I have always used logic to deduce its safety. Drs, pharmacists and researchers = largely men. Subjects/patients/target population = women. Up until not too long ago, women were not considered to be people.