
Far Cry 2 is a game that seems to be very divisive. I'm in the camp that praises it as a flawed but brilliant game. One of the main reasons is its approach to violence. The transition of dialogue between enemy NPCs as they go from chatting leisurely as they pass the boring hours on watch, to barking orders to each

"Celda" is a nickname for The Wind Waker/the cel-shaded art style in general.

The moment that has always stuck with me was when I first played Samurai Shodown. I was a kid in an arcade and I saw a pretty game with cool-looking samurai and ninja so I popped in my quarter without a second thought. The first character I fought was this monstrous freak man with a demon mask, so it was pretty

Ughh, I highly regard the Modern Warfare 2 as one of my most hated endings of all time BECAUSE of that ending knife kill... Why? During the 4 or so hours of mind numbing explosions and action the whole game felt like I wasn't present. I was just a camera floating along with some wannabe bad asses. Then came that

I'm rather surprised Andrew Ryan's assisted suicide in Bioshock didn't make the list. He waxes poetically about being in control and about how you have none, then ends his life on his own terms: the penultimate expression of control of his own destiny and life. Why he handed you a putter and not a revolver, however,

Higher frame rates don't always make things look better. The Hobbit in 48fps looked like garbage. 12fps works great for anime. I love the look.

Astronomy: because you can't make a high-energy supermassive galaxy cluster in a lab.

Oh for fuck's sake. You can't "punish" someone by telling them you won't be asking them for anymore favours (even though there is money involved, it's still a favour because of the power differential). If you wanna make your intentions clear, put an embargo on shitty action movies being licensed for show in Russia.

I think people are more curious as to who, other than you apparently, even *was* put in mind of human racism by these crows. That's why you're getting all these slightly confused replies.

It could very well just be an accident, and not every gene must have a positive benefit. A mutation leads to a gene with no positive or negative effects (essentially immune to selective pressures), and over generations all members of the species end up having it.

Music and games? What an awesome little bear!

Somebody needs to splice this with Leeky's fate.

Lol @ the SDI thing. Talk about delusional.

So, it's hubris and even a dangerous delusion to imagine ourselves as "the special purpose of creation"...

I did answer the question: my life has meaning to me. It doesn't HAVE to have meaning. It does.

Because I say it does. And if that answer doesn't satisfy, that's still no argument for the existence of any higher power. The Argument From Undesirable Consequence is unpersuasive.

Once you start throwing infinities around, you've already lost the plot. Classical theism fails any reasonable test against the observable characteristics of the universe, unless you're willing to buy into the idea that the Deity's moral system is fundamentally unknowable by humans.

This is Hong Kong. We use our clean, efficient and cheap public transport. Over 90% of trips are on public transport, the highest fraction in the world.

What the? This looks incredible. Buildings are becoming true sculpture and art. I'm loving it, we've had enough endless cubes and technology has finally caught up with architects imaginations.